dear rosa//letter 02

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    Dear Rosa,

    Okay, so basically, it's been a week since I've written and I'm sorry. It's just that I've been terribly busy.

    That's right. I've actually been busy.

    About the Golden Trio, I've kinda been hanging out with them? Like, I'd like to think that I'm a part of their gang but yeah, they're super cool. I think out of all the three I'm more attached to Harper mainly because he doesn't keep asking me questions and stuff.

    Yeah, I haven't warmed up to them yet.

    I'll tell you what we've done the past few days. Dominic's obsessed with buying different types of bread from the bakery shop, eating it all up and critiquing it. Like, oh it's too hard or crap, this is shitty as fuck or huh, Zed, this actually tastes good!

    Robyn, on the other hand, is this nature loving person from what I've gathered. Like, you know how obsessed I am with taking pictures of flowers and sunsets AND ANYTHING THAT'S PRETTY but Robyn's all like live in the moment and Zed, trust me your eyes can capture better beauty than that camera. She reminds me of you actually.

    Then there's Harper. I can't really tell you much about him because I haven't observed him much other than the fact that he scowls at white people.

    It makes me laugh because you know how fucking racist Mrs. Luxord is and whenever we pass by her or walk past her, she just looks at the cousins distastefully like as if their black skin burns her and Harper just gives her the middle finger.

    I couldn't stop laughing.

    But hey, enough about me! How are you? How's that art shop of yours coming along?

Much love,



a/n: super duper sorry for the late update. it's just that I have exams and bleh, studies, studies, studies, studies. also, pls don't expect really quick update Bec of exams but hey, once they get over, I'll be on a roll. also, I've been thinking of casting Robyn as Amandla Stenberg bc she's as close to the girl I imagine Robyn to be.
thanks for reading :)

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