dear rosa//letter 03

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Dear Rosa,

    I just got your letter yesterday. You had me worried for a while when I didn't get a letter for a week. And thanks for the picture. The art shop looks fantastic!

    My actually going great. Like I'm actually having fun. The cousins are an awesome bunch of people to hangout with and this sounds strange and yes, I've only know them for a week and two days, but being with them feels like home. you know how it felt like during Christmas when we were kids? That kind of feeling that makes you wish to have Christmas everyday? Is that happiness?

    Well, if it is, I'm happy. Really happy.

    So, ma went to Forkside town today (just so you know she's been making frequent visits there and you're about to know why) and came home with a bunch of flowers. Like her hands were filled with em.

    And I didn't bother to ask why until our enter house started smelling like jasmines. Apparently there's this guy – DON'T STOP READING - who's really into mom...that's a pun.

    Hahaha, get it? Into mum? Into mum?

    Fuck that's horrible. I'm getting horrible images in my head now.

    Well that's that. Mom has a date tomorrow and I'm helping her with her makeup.

    Back to the cousins. You asked me in your letter what makes them so special and to be honest Rosa, I really don't know.

    I'm just happy that they haven't asked me why I put make up on. They haven't uttered a word. In fact, the only thing they've ever done is compliment it.

    And that's all I've ever wanted, Rosa.

    Give my regards to Rita and tells her to take her meds on time!

Much love,


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