9//hello, mr. alabaster

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The sound of leaves crunching as they walk is the only sound that Zed is paying attention to. As they walk down the road, from the corner of his eyes, he can see Saxon sitting on the hood of his dad's car, glaring at them.

Zed looks at Saxon flatly.

"Hey, faggot!" Saxon shouts. His friends snigger and they start booing.

Zed closes his eyes and fastens his pace, hands fisted. Dominic catches up to him and says, "Don't  let them get to you. They're trying to provoke you."

"And they almost succeeded," Zed sighs as they take a turn, losing sight of the gang. Robyn clicks her tongue and shakes her head.

"Pathetic. They're so pathetic."

"Right. The graveyard is this way?"

"Yup. Take a turn and we'll be there."

The graveyard of Dargan Town wasn't creepy nor was it haunted. In fact, it was one of the most peaceful place in this town. It was behind the church and there was a path of lilacs leading to the graveyard. A small gate creaks open when you push it and when you step into the graveyard, Zed bets you're in a trance as you take in the surrounding.

There're flowers everywhere. Marigolds, sunflowers, jasmines, you name it. White marbled tombstones with crosses and garlands shone in the sunlight, glittering.

"Wow," Robyn whispers.

"It's so beautiful. What a pity it's a graveyard."

They nod mutely and walk down the steps. One both the sides of the steps there were tombstones. Zed silently chuckles at Harper's expression, he had protested vigorously on coming to the graveyard but he agreed reluctantly. Apparently, he hates graveyards.

"The fourth one in the third row," Zed says. "Come on."

When they reach the third row, they walk quietly to the fourth grave. And lo and behold, there he was.

                                                                                   HANS ALECK ALABASTER

                                                                                 January 1935 – August 1972

                                                                  He loved chocolate chip cookies dipped in milk.

                                                                                               And his wife.

                                                                                               And his kids.

"You're kidding me?" Dominic asks with a smile. "Is this for real?"

Zed rolls his eyes. "Mom put up a fight but hey, that's my dad."

Robyn laughs. "Man, he sounds awesome. Harper?"

Harper blinks and places a bouquet of pink roses on the epitaph.

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