dear rosa//letter 05

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Dear Rosa,

    I've gotten better! Sorry for the late reply. I was only allowed to step out today and the first thing I did was to go to the post office to get your letter.

    I'm sorry if I've caused you to worry. I've gotten much much better. My hand's okay and my leg hurts a bit but Robyn's massages are heaven and they do the trick of assuaging this pain.

    You know, Robyn. I feel like in a day, there are tons of people we'd want to talk to. When we wake up and don't know how to spend the day, there's a friend that goes, "hey, let's do this!" When we feel bored, there's a friend that goes, "hey, I found the most troublesome and awesome thing we can do!" When we have a crush on someone, we have a friend who pushes us toward them yelling, "use condoms, bitches!" When we feel like we're doing something wrong, we have a friend that tells us, "hey, bud, let me help you out." When we've cooked the most disastrous food ever, we have a friend that says, "well, at least you tried. Can I have a second helping?" When someone hurts us so much, we have a friend that drives up to their place and eggs their house, yelling, "take that, asshole!"

And then...and then, there's a time, when you wake up, gasping from a nightmare. There's a time when you're crying so much you can't stop, there's a time you walk up to a cliff and look at death below.

...and then, Rosa, we have a friend that we don't even have to call after the nightmare. Before we know it, they'll be beside us, hugging us, brushing our tears away. There's a friend that pulls us away from the cliff, hugs us so tight muttering that they'll never let us go.

I've had the honour of meeting that person in the form of three people and you know who they are.

Much love,


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