dear rosa//letter 10

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Dear Rosa,

    I have a couple of things to tell you.

•    My name is Dominic. I'm pretty sure Zed has told you about me although you I'm pretty sure he has referred to me as "hottie" and "badass". Fear not, it's me.

•    Your brother is acting like he's never seen people before and it's creeping me the fuck out.

•    Uhhhhh

•    Oh yeah! I saw your photo and damn, girl! You look pretty hot! I'd totally ask you out on a date.

•    But...that would be illegal.

•    And weird because Zed is like my brother.

•    Wait, that wouldn't be weird, would it? If I date you and then end up marrying you, you'll be my...

•    Haha, okay, that's weird. Moving on.

•    Jokes aside, Zed told me that you'll be coming home at the end of this week and I'm happy for you guys! Zed won't shut up about you and you guys have a LOT to catch up on.

•    And thank you. Thank you for being there for him. You're cool.

•    Crap. I'm wasting this letter in bullet points. Eh, fuck it. I hate writing. Also, if my handwriting is illegible, I'm so sorry. This is the best I can write.

I hope you're in your best today!

The one and only,




Dear Rosa,

    I hope this letter finds you in the best. I really wish I could meet you so that we can discuss about art.

    (I've seen your artwork and I'm mesmerised. You're awesome at it.)

    I'm also very happy to hear that you'll be home by the end of this week. Zed's going back by then so I'm pretty sure you guys will have a lot to talk about. He's bought a lot of things for you! You're gonna be so surprised!

    Well...not really because I just told you...

    Stay safe and awesome!

Yours only,




Dear Rosa,

    Enclosed in this letter is a locket I found when we were at the beach today. There was this old woman who we spotted selling charms and I saw the paintbrush charm and I thought you'd like it!

    I was very glad when you told Zed that we could send you letters as well. We'd love to meet you. Zed never shuts up about you and it's so beautiful to see the bond. Some of us have shitty relationships with our siblings.

    I hope you're doing well and I've heard that your art shop is getting quite popular. I'm very happy for you!




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