dear rosa//letter 09

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Dear Rosa,

    I'm sorry for not replying to your letter earlier. I just got back home now. I helped them pack and stuff all their crap in their suitcases.

    (Louisa was pretty pissed at them for not having packed earlier.)

    And then, I watched them leave.

    It's...peculiar, I guess. On my walk back home, everything seemed...boring. The town seemed smaller. I felt caged.

    When I got back home, mom gave me three packages. Apparently they bought me parting gifts and I couldn't help it. I ran up to my room and had a good cry.

    That makes me sound like a wimp, doesn't it? Sigh.

    Dominic's gift was a bunch of papers that had his horrible handwriting on. A bunch of recipes that he created. According to him, I'm the only privileged person to know about the recipes that will woo the world.

    Robyn's gift blew me away. It's a painting of myself. I...can't describe it. It's just fucking phenomenal and damn it, when you get here you can see it.

    Harper got me a book of sign language. I laughed so much when I saw it.

    Any ways, school starts tomorrow. Surprisingly, I'm not nervous or anything like I usually am. I'm calm which is good, right?

    I hope you're having fun. I'll tell you how my first day at school goes. Fingers crossed that I don't get a punch on my rib. That shit hurts.

Yours only,


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