3//twinkling stars

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    Zed, never in his wildest dreams, would've thought that he'd be spending his summer with three millionaires. Technically, they weren't millionaires – their parents were but that didn't really matter to Zed. Point is, he – an invalid, is hanging out with three celebrities.

    "Say, Zed. What do you have in your basket?" asks Dominic as they walk down the road. They picked him up from his place (Zed's mom nearly had a heart attack seeing them in her den) so that they could hang out at Aunt Linda's place.

    Zed's been to Jollie Linda's place only once and that was when he was in fourth grade and he doesn't remember why. He's seen her at Church a couple of times, she'd politely smile at him and he would return it and that was about it.

    "Uh...mom packed some food. Said that it's Miss Linda's favourite. I don't know what it is, sorry."

    Harper signs. Zed furrows his eyebrows and asks, "What?" He blushes when Harper gives him a flat look.

    "He said that it's probably chocolate chip cookies," said Robyn. "That's her favourite."

    "Oh." He looks at his sneakers and slows down his pace to match Robyn's. He hates walking alongside Dominic for the sole reason that he's a fast walker. Now, Zed loathes slow walkers but it was tiresome to keep up with Dominic's pace especially in the hot weather. Speaking of Dargan Town's weather, it's been confusing. One day it's hot and the next day it's cloudy and the next day it's raining.

    "So, what are we gonna do at your place?" He asks for the sake of conversation. He squints his eyes to see how much more they'll have to walk. Damn it. They have quite a distance. To hell with this heat.

    Robyn shrugs. "I'll show you my paintings! That'll be cool."

    "...you paint?"

    "Yup. I do. I paint a lot."

    Zed feels like slapping himself. That explains why her fingers are always stained with colours.

    They turn around the corner, and resume walking. For once in his life, Zed is actually thankful for the looming trees that's protecting them from the sun. The fucking sun.

    "Why does this town feel so big all of a sudden?" Dominic gasps, brushing his curls backward.

    "I didn't put on my foundation because of the heat," Zed grins. "I'd be a walking disaster if I did."

    Dominic sneaks a look at him and asks, "What's the point of a foundation?"

    "...uh, I don't know? I mean it helps cover marks and stuff. Like, see-" he points at the a red pimple on his chin "-this wouldn't be seen if I applied foundation."

    "Ah, damn. Harper needs some foundation then," he snickers pointing at Harper's cheeks covered with acne. Harper lets out an offended gasp and slaps the back of Dominic's head as he stumbles in his steps due to his boisterous laughter. One thing about Dominic that would attract anyone: his laughter.

    Dominic's laughter was wild. Loud and wild. And infectious as well. Zed always ends up cracking a smile just by listening to him laugh.

    "My sister used to call Harper 'volcano face' and it annoyed him so much," Robyn mutters as the two boys continue to send playful punches that end up being a bit violent.

    "You have a sister?"

    "You haven't heard of her? Melissa Warkoff?" When Zed shakes his head as a no, she says, "huh. She's quite the personality, you know? She's a model."

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