dear rosa//letter 07

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Dear Rosa,

    Okay, I know you're super happy to talk to mom and it's super cool and you guys are sending each other letters, like I'm super happy BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU STOP SENDING LETTERS TO ME.

    It's . . . well, not a time to joke around. Yesterday, Robyn and I were alone and we were talking and Rosa, Robyn used to be sexually abused. Her mom's friend used to do weird kind of shit to her and she...she's so traumatised by it that she broke down and I've never seen her crying, heck, I've never seen any of the cousins cry. was a tight slap to my face. They've gone through so much, it's so horrible and yet, they're so happy. Why can't I be like that?

    And if you're wondering, Robyn's fine now. That lady is arrested because of some other crime but she made me promise to not tell anyone. I asked her if I could tell you. She just laughed loudly and said, "You can tell your sister everything about us!"

    Well, little does she know that all I ever talk about now is them.

    Mom told me that the sales of your art shop is coming along great which means that you have enough money which means that...


    I'm so excited! I know you won't come back really soon but at least, you're coming back and I'm so happy, like you have no idea. Hey, enclosed with this letter is a picture of me with this new lipstick mom bought me! I don't usually wear it, you know that, but it's an amazing colour and I just thought of putting it on just to see how I look.

    Send me a picture of you! I don't even know how you look now!

    Also...that's quite a lot of exclamation marks.


Much love,


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