Seniors In High School

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1. The Senioritis Senior

I think I speak for all seniors when I say that we procrastinate like hell for our last school year of high school.

It's gonna happen to you. Maybe it already is happening to you. If you think you're not going to be that senior, you are. But don't feel too bad.

These seniors usually try to get some good grades in the beginning of the year, but slack off during the second semester because we're just so ready to be done with school.

It got so bad for me, my Anatomy and Physiology teacher told me to just drop out. Not out of school, but her class.

But I showed her old, haggy ass that I could do it!

I went from having an F in that class, to graduating with an A.

Yup, that's right! I need to hear a round of applause 👏🏾

Even at graduation, she was like "wow, I didn't think you could do it."

And I'm like, oh bitch this ain't high school anymore, I just graduated. Catch me outside, lmao.

2. The "College" Senior

Okay, so this senior is one who turns in all their work on time, doesn't procrastinate, takes extra classes just because, and most likely helps out around the school (student council, student news, etc.).

The reason I call them college seniors is because they already have their future planned out for them.

They have scholarships and colleges ready to take them in and they haven't even graduated yet.

I honestly don't know how people do it!

I mean yeah, you get good grades, volunteer, blah blah blah, but I don't think I have enough discipline for that.

Kudos to the seniors that actually get shit done though, lol.

Don't get me wrong, I graduated with all A's and one B, but I didn't have a scholarship or a fancy college waiting to scoop me up.

I currently go to a community college, which is totally fine cause I wouldn't want to jump into a university straight out of high school anyway.

But anyway, let's move on!

3. The Ghost Senior

I really don't understand this.

These are the type of seniors that barely show up to class, don't participate in anything, shows up late, doesn't get good grades, but somehow manages to graduate.

Like, I graduated in May of 2017, and out of 500, only like 400 of us graduated. I was like, dang, they really out here not letting people graduate.

Anyway, I was surprised as hell when they would call out certain people's names cause I'm like, they never showed up to class!

If I would've known I could skip class, slack off, and get in trouble all the time and still graduate, I would've never showed up!

But it's whatever now lol. I'm still a little salty though.

Moving on.....

4. The "I Don't Have a Plan" Senior

Okay, this was also me!

Basically, this is for all the seniors in high school who don't have a plan for after they graduate.

But this is totally fine!

People try to make it seem like it's a bad thing, but it's really not!

People would always ask me "what do you plan on doing after you graduate?"

And my answer was always "I don't know" because I genuinely didn't know.

I didn't plan on or want to go to college, but here I am, almost done with my first year.

Everyone expects you to have a plan, but their plan may not be yours.

You may want to still live with your parents, and that's fine.

You may want to work at a fast food restaurant, and that would be fine as well.

Or you may have no plan at all and decide you want to become a bum and live on the streets, and you know what? That's actually not fine haha.

Basically what I'm saying is, there's no rush after you graduate. I'm 18, still live with my mom, unemployed, and currently going through college.

I'm not lazy, I'm not broke lol, College is actually enjoyable, my classes are paid for (financial aid, I'm not ashamed), and my parents support my dreams no matter what.

I don't have a car, I don't plan on moving out until I'm financially set. Or you know, if I just so happen to stumble on someone rich then, ayeeeee!

Nah, I'm playing lol, but yeah. You see, not everyone has their life planned out for them, and that's okay.

5. The Laidback Senior

Okay, me.

This was the type of senior who just didn't feel like trying anymore.

Like with looks, or you know, life lol.

But they know it's their last year, they've given up on trying to impress people, they're only there for themselves, and honestly they're just ready to be done with school, and I feel that on a spiritual level.

They come to school in sweatpants, no make up, not even a backpack, just a piece of paper for each class, and they have headphones and gum instead of pencils and books.

It's amazing what senior year can do to you, really.

It just changed me, but I can't tell if it was for the

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