People In Restaurants

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1. The Indecisive One

There's always at least one of these every time I go out to eat.

You go in the restaurant, you get seated at the table, and everyone knows what they want.

Except this person.

And the waiter/waitress comes over and asks what would you like to drink.

They do this because they're trying to give you time to order.

There's even a menu online for whatever place it is that you're trying to eat at, so you have no excuse not to know what you want.

You don't go to Subway not knowing what you want.

You just don't!

And at the restaurant, the server brings everyone else's food, and they're still not sure what they want.

And it's not like it's hard to choose either.

There's like, 4 basic things on every menu ever.

Burger, fries, chicken strips, and salad.

Choose 1.

2. The Cheap One

This is literally my dad.


It's really embarrassing.

But I'll admit, I have done this too.

But I was with my friends.

We're expected to do this.

Anyways, back to the subject.

My dad would take us out to a restaurant and we would sit down and order.

Then, he'd be like, "Don't be getting nothing that ain't under $10."


What could you possibly get with 10 dollars or less!?!

He does this when we're at the movies too.

He'll get 1 bucket of popcorn, 1 cola freeze, and say, "Make it work!"

Lol, like, BOY!

That's why when you're with him, you need to bring your own money.

Especially if you want more.

3. The Complainer

This is also my dad and I have to often apologize to our server because of his rudeness.

Like honestly, you guys don't even understand how my father is.

But anyways, this person is just never satisfied about anything that the waiter/waitress brings to them.

And they freaking ordered it!

How are you gonna get mad when they cooked it exactly how you wanted it?

They honestly just want more food.

And they say stuff like, "This isn't what I ordered, take it back!"

Or, "What happened to the customer's always right?"

Like, no!

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

They could seriously poison your food, watch you eat it all, and smile in your face and tell you to have a nice day.

Like, slayyyy.

4. The Loner

I feel bad for these people.

Like, honestly.

Sometimes, if I see someone sitting alone, I'll go sit by them.

But that's only at school though.

You can't just be doing that in public.

People are crazy.

They could be waiting for someone, planning to kill somebody, or they just want to be alone.

I'll ask them if they're okay though.

I just really don't like people sitting alone.

I sit alone everyday at lunch, so I know how it feels.

But like, don't feel bad, it's totally my choice.

Lol, like, I hate everyone.

5. The Regular

This person was literally me at my school whenever I went to the school store.

I would just walk in, and they already knew what I wanted.

I knew everyone's name and I came in like, "The regular please."

And when they actually got it, I was so happy because I've always wanted to do that.

Lol, I just noticed that I always get off track and start talking about myself and not the type of person that I mentioned

Not everything's about you..

I know.

Like, stahp.

I know.

Anyways, before I was rudely interrupted, this person is obviously a regular.

Hence the title.

But you know what they should do?

And by they, I mean restaurants.

They should give out customer of the month awards so more people would want to come and try to get that award.

It's more money for them.

And don't steal this idea.

Honestly, if you do, I will hunt you down.

You want to know how I would be able to find you?

Because I'm a girl, and girls ALWAYS find out everything.

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