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1. The Cheap Customers

Okay, so I currently work at Wendy's (I wrote this 2016) right now, and let me tell you, we get these customers all the time.

Whether they're in the drive thru, or dine in, they're everywhere!

They pull up and they're like, "Hi, I'd like the number one, large, with a coke. And then I want a four for four meal. And also, I want five crispy chicken sandwiches and a side salad."

And then I tell them their total, which is like $30 something dollars, and they're eyes get all big and they say, "Really?"

Lol, and I'm like, yeah.

Then they say, "Well can you take off such and such."

And I'm like.....


You know how much food you ordered, and now because you realize how broke you are, you want to take items off.

And then I have to get my manager to come over and take the things off.

Like, ugh.

Please have enough money to afford your food and don't waste my time, bye.


Moving on....

2. The "Where's Your Manager?" Customers

Lol, okay, I seriously hate you.

Like, seriously.

This is usually a customer that's entitled and think they can just talk to you any kind of way and think they're always right.

Well news flash, the customer ain't always right, and I don't give a fuck who you are.

You disrespect me, I'm going to be disrespectful right back to you.

When I'm taking their order, they try to tell me how to do my job and I'm like, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know they hired a new employee. Please, come behind the counter and do it yourself."

It really pisses me off.

And it's always the old ladies.

And then when it's time for them to pay, they put all their money on the fucking counter for me to pick up.

I just look at them.

Like, no.

I'm a person, and you're going to treat me like one and hand me the money, thanks.

I seriously can't stand you.


3. The "Big Baller" Customers

Okay, these are the types of customers that order way too much food.

And it's almost always during a fucking rush!

They order like, five number one combos, three baked potatoes, ten chocolate frosties, nine chicken sandwiches, and two twenty piece chicken nuggets.

Like, BOI!!!

And I know people have to eat, but go to McDonalds or something with all that.

It takes up so much time.

And we're supposed to say, "Sorry about the wait" if their food takes longer than 2 minutes to make, but I'm not saying sorry if you ordered the whole store.

And then they have the audacity to complain that their food is taking too long.

Like, bitch!

There's people behind you in the drive thru, and it's packed in the dine in.

I seriously can't with these customers.

And I'm literally not even exaggerating when I talk about how much food they order.

Like, that's literally the amount.



4. The Scammer Customers

Lol, I hate you.

These customers are sooo annoying and they try to be slick, but I know what they're up to.

These customers usually come in to the dinning area, and it's almost always during rush hour.

Anyway, they'll come in with nothing in their hand.

Not a bag, not food, and not a damn receipt either.

They come up to the counter like, "Hi, I just came through the drive thru a few minutes ago, and I didn't get my chicken sandwich and large fries."

This is the part where I ask for the receipt, and then they say, "Oh I don't have it with me, but I was just here."

But let's say they do have a receipt.

When they show me, they cover the date with their thumb and show me it for 1 second like, "See?"

I'm like, bitch, you know that receipt is from 2003!

But anyway, if they don't have a receipt, the next thing I do is press the recall button.

And what that does is, it brings up all the previous orders that's been made, so you can check if you missed something.

If I don't see your order on there, I know you're lying.

But since the "customer's always right", we have to make them the food.

And they do it because they know we're in a rush and not really paying attention, so it's much easier to get free food that way.

Here's a thought, if you want free food, go make it yourself.

But then you have to go out and buy ingredients.

But, still.

It's better than putting a bunch of junk in your system everyday.

Anyway, moving on.....

5. The Nightcrawler Customers

No, this has nothing to do with the character, lol.

But these are the customers that come in at night, hence the name.

They see that we're not busy at all and we're all kind of just chilling, and then they order their food.

But let me let you in on a little secret.

Coming into fast food restaurants at night time is literally the worst and best thing you can do.

Worst: because everyone's tired and they want to go home, and I can 99.99% guarantee you that your food is going to be hard and nasty.

Best: because we've already cleaned up and put everything away, so if you do order a chicken sandwich or a burger, it has to be fresh because there's none on the grill.

So we may not be all enthusiastic as we are in the morning, but your food will taste good.

Just don't ask for fries.

Seriously, our fries are disgusting asf.

And if they filter the oil, no more fries or nuggest are going in there, so you're going to be getting some old fries and dry ass nuggets.

Hey, I'm just trying to help you out.

But there's these customers and so much more.

But let's face it, I wouldn't be making any money if it weren't for the customers, so even though I hate you, I appreciate you making me money.

I'm just doing this for money.

I literally don't care about you.

Bye now.

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