Tables At Lunch

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1. The "Anti-Social" Table

I literally look at this table like, why?

It usually consists of 5 to 6 people, and they don't talk to each other the whole time.

I'm serious, they're always on their phones.

Like, do you even friends bro?

They don't pay attention to their surroundings either.

Beyoncé could be performing in the cafeteria, and they wouldn't even notice.

It's nothing wrong with checking your phone, because I do it too, but learn how to talk to people face to face.

Put down your phones, stop texting for a minute, and have real conversations.

2. The Roast Table

This is literally my least favorite table.

I dread having to walk by them because all they do is talk about anybody who walks their way.

It's usually a group of guys doing this.

You could be throwing away your trash, in peace, and they'd be like, "Why she got more than one chin?" Or "What are thooooooose!!??"

Like, seriously, grow up.

They make you feel bad about yourself and it really sucks.

Guys say stuff to be hurtful, girls just joke around with each other.


Girls can say really mean stuff too. Trust me.

I used to let stuff get to me, but now I just smile and say, " I hope you have a wonderful day" or "I hope that made you feel good!"

Because when you're nice, it confuses them and eventually they stop.


If that doesn't work, then give me a call.

3. The Trashy Table

The title of this is not at all what you're probably thinking.

This table is really disgusting.

After they're done eating, they just leave their trash everywhere.

The trash can could be right next to them, and they still don't throw away any of it.

I seriously wonder what their houses may look like.

And they think they're being funny, but they're actually not.

They say stuff like, "That's the janitor's job, so I don't have to clean up."


The janitor's job is to wash down the tables and make sure everything's clean, not pick up your dumb trash that you were too lazy to throw away.

Show some respect.

4. The Mirror Table

I call this table the mirror table because everyone at that table looks just alike.

I get that you want to hang with people that look like you, but dang!

Switch it up a bit.

They're almost always the same race, have the same body type, and have the same hair color.

It just makes you seem close minded.


Maybe I'm looking into it too deep, but that's how I feel.

It's like one of those cliché movies with different social groups at each table.

Populars sit with populars, and jocks sit with jocks.

Like, have some type of diversity.

I have an Indian, white, black, and Asian friend because I'm cool like that and accepting of all people.

But if that's who you want to hang out with then by all means, go for it.

I don't want you feeling bad for hanging out with people that look like you.

5. The Fake Table

This table is full of fake people.

They always talk about each other, but want to act friendly to each other's face.

Like, no!

And it's almost always a table of girls.

Honestly, if guys have beef, they let each other know and resolve their issues.

If girls have beef, they'll talk about you and continue to act like your friend because you're useful.

If you aren't useful, then they will just straight up fight you.

But since you have something they want, *insert fake smile*.

That's still not a valid reason to be fake though.

Don't claim you don't like somebody and then smile in their face.

Be upfront and tell that person your issues with them, and hopefully you can work it out.

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