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1. Spoiled Brats

Well, the title is pretty much self explanatory, but these are the kids who's never even heard of the word no.

They usually boss their parents around and have a temper tantrum whenever they can't have something.

They also expect you not to smack them in the face when they say something rude to you.

And to the parents who give their kids everything they ask for, here's some advice:


Because when you get everything, you don't appreciate anything.

Know your limits.

2. The Starer

This kid can literally be found anywhere.

No matter what's going on around them, they're always looking at you.

And at first you smile to be nice, but they just don't stop staring.

After that, you try to avoid all eye contact with them because it's just annoying or creepy.

But if you're like me, you start making faces at them and end up getting popped in the lip by your mom telling you to grow up.

To avoid this, just go somewhere else or put a bag over their heads.

Okay don't do that last part, but if you have to, you didn't hear it from me.

3. The Demon Child

This kid is literally an angel to grownups, but evil to you.

And they always get away with it!

And every time you try to tell on them, you just look like Candice from Phineas and Ferb trying to bust them, but it's pointless because it'll always go away when they look.

These kids are dangerous because they know what they're doing and how to get away with it.

Stay away from them. You'll never win! SERIOUSLY!

4. The Bad Kid

Bare with me, okay?

Now, I know there are different types of bad kids.

I'm talking about the bad kid that literally doesn't listen to anyone.

You specifically tell them not to go somewhere, and they do anyway.

Like, can you not hear?

They're just plain disrespectful and they don't care.

The parent could be going on a very important job interview and tells them to behave.

The kid does the complete opposite, ruins their clothes, they don't get the job, and they end up living in a cardboard box on the sidewalk.

So save you and your mom the trouble and just be good, okay?

5. The Allergy Kid

You might as well put this kid in a giant bubble because they're allergic to everything and everyone.

This kid carries around their inhaler, medication, epipens, gloves, first-aid kit, and a surgical mask.

And it's not their fault, they can't help any of that.

But if you even sneeze around this kid, they look at you like you carry some disease.

This kid can never eat the candy the teacher passes out because it has peanut butter in it.

And they can't participate in sports because they're allergic to the air and the grass.

And you don't have to worry about avoiding them because they'll most likely avoid you too.

For medical purposes of course.

Types Of...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz