Test Takers

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1. The Pretenders

Okay, not even gonna lie, this is me a lot of the times when I'm taking tests.

A pretender is a person who looks on someone else's test, and when the person realizes that you're looking at their test, you look away.

I did this when I was sitting next to this really smart girl in my class.

I looked over with my eyes, thinking that she didn't notice, and she freaking covered her paper!


I'm like, help a sister out, ya know?

It's hard out here.

And I don't always cheat, but sometimes I just don't feel like putting in the work or effort to actually think and do the work.

But honestly, I let everyone copy off of me because I would want them to do the same for me.

But then they copy off of you and start passing your test around and you're like,"Uh, whut u doin?"

Or when you let them copy, and then they get a higher grade than you!

I'm just like, "WTF!?"

I honestly don't see how that's even freaking possible.

2) The Cheaters

These people are usually the ones that either slack off in class, or don't pay attention.

Then when test time comes, and you have to clear everything off of the table, they have their notes on top of all of their papers.

Or they'll roll up their sleeve and you'll see like a thousand words on their arm.

And they never get caught it seems like.

My friend did this and it was so obvious I was sure she was going to get caught.

But to my surprise, she didn't.

But let me try something like this and I would probably get suspended for one week and get lunch detention for the rest of the year.

3. The Sleepers

There's always at least one of these in every class.

They usually sleep all day in class, but they especially do it during tests.

And the teacher will occasionally wake them up, but they end up going right back to sleep.

And when test time is up, they wake up with slob on their mouth and nothing in their paper.

Then the teacher's like, "If you just put your name on your paper, I'll give you 10 points."

But they reject it!

I'm like, they're trying to give you extra help and trying to not make you fail.

I don't get why kids do this though.

If a teacher is offering you extra help that you don't even deserve, please take it and listen to them.

These are the teachers that actually care.

Unless, of course, you want to be stuck in a room full of freshman while you're a senior, then by all means, continue sleeping.

I wouldn't want to wake you with my success.


4. The Guessers

This is me occasionally on certain tests.

It really just depends.

Like, if I get the test and it's something I've never seen before, then obviously I'm gonna guess.

But this is not that.

This person literally just guesses for everything.

The question could literally be, "What's 9+10?"

And they'd be like, "19!"

Like, dude, it's obviously 21!

Lol, jk.

But they don't really care about their grades if they can do that.

I am not that kind of person.

I have to care about my grades.

Like, school is really stressful when you actually care.

Help me.

5. The Questioner

I couldn't find a good name for these people, so let me explain it to you.

These are the people that always have their hands raised.

And there's nothing wrong with raising your hand and asking for help.

But when I get about 5 whiffs of the teacher from them walking back and fourth, then that's a problem for my nose and I can't.

And I can tell that the teachers get really frustrated with them because they end up just giving them the answers.

Lol, but I do this to my Physics teacher all the time.

Everyone does.

But we have a good reason to because she really doesn't know how to teach.

And it's not, "Well maybe she teaches and different way and you learn a different way."


She literally said on her first day of school, "I'm not even qualified to teach Physics so bare with me."

Like, um, what?

And all we do in her freaking class is watch Physics videos and take notes.

And the whole time, everyone is on their phones while she's "teaching", and she doesn't for anything about it.

I honestly couldn't tell you one thing that we've learned in physics so far.

Oh well.

What can you do?

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