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1. The Really Close Family

This is like the total opposite of my family right here.

This family does everything together.

And there's nothing wrong with that, but keep that shit over there.

Lol, I'm just playing.

But, they go everywhere together and they even eat dinner at the dinner table.

Like, who does that?

My family literally just makes our plates, and we go into our rooms.

But that's normal for us.

Anyways, sometimes, this family can be a little too close.

Like, they all bathe together.

And brush their teeth with the same toothbrush.

Obviously I'm exaggerating, but hopefully you get where I'm coming from.

And if you don't, Idgaf.


2. The Disconnected Family

Hey, this is my family.




Okay, by disconnected, I mean they barely communicate with each other.

We're always on our technology.

My brother with his Xbox and tablet, me with my phone, my little sister with her laptop and phone, my big sister with her laptop and phone, and my mom with her laptop and phone.

But like, don't think that we're rich, because we're really not.

It just sounds like it's a lot.

But we occasionally hang out and talk.

We aren't antisocial or anything.

And at the end of the day, we still love each other and tell each other to have a good night.

3. The Weird Family

I have only encountered 3 weird families in my entire existence.

It's just not a comfortable place to be in.

Especially when you go over to their house.

It's like, you walk in, and they have duck heads hanging from the wall.

Like, what the actual fuck?

I understand a deer head or a bear head, but a duck?

Some people are just weird like that.

Then they have voodoo dolls on their bookshelf and you're like, "But dat's not a book!"

And you swear that they have like a secret chamber in their basement and they're cannibals.


Like that one family from TWD Telltale games.

Sorry if I just spoiled it for you.

But come on, keep up!

That game was made in like, what, 2012?

Yeah, and season 3 is coming out in 2016 hopefully.

I just got off track, but yeah.

4. The Opposite Family

This is the opposite family because they're all so different.

They even look different.

Sometimes, I feel like this is my family.

You have the quiet one, the loud one, messy one, it doesn't really matter.

Me and my sister are the complete opposite, but we're best friends.

She wears dresses and shorts, I wear hoodies/sweaters and sweatpants or leggings.

She's "girly" and I'm not, lol.

Like I mentioned in the last chapter, there's no one to look cute for.

And I dress for myself, so that doesn't even apply to me.

I just don't care too much.

5. The Attractive Family

I don't know how a whole family can manage to have every single member be attractive.

*cough cough, the Collin's family with Chris, Crawford, Kirsten, and Karisma*

Like, how?

It makes me sad.

Lol, seriously though.

This family usually dresses really nice, and they're usually in their teens.

I'm not talking about the parents being teens, obviously.

But even the parents be cute, like wtf?

I like families like this, but then again, I'm like, why can't I be blessed like that?

I'm just playing, I'm cute.



I'm not conceited guys.

Oh, but if it's a family full of good looking boys, oh lawd.

Especially if they're classy?

*I'm dead now*

Who's gonna arrange my funeral?

No one?

Dat's cool.

I'm not sad, you want to know why?

Because sad backwards is das.

And das not gud.

Let me stop, lol.


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