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1. The Celebrity Crush

I'm pretty sure just about everyone has a celebrity crush.

You know you'll never meet them, but one could only hope.

My celebrity crush right now is Tony Oller from MKTO.

I actually have a lot of celebrity crushes, but that would take up the whole page.

If you know how to sing, you're automatically 10x more attractive to me.

Anyways, a celebrity crush could be an actor, dancer, singer, rapper, etc.

It's just something about singers man.

I guess it's because I sing too, and once you find that one person with that perfect harmony, it just works.

I love it.

2. The Unattractive Crush

I know, the title throws you off a little, but it's possible.

I've had plenty of them.

This type of crush is probably really funny or smart and you're just attracted to them even though they're not attractive.

And I know that looks aren't everything, but they do play a part in what you find attractive.

This crush could remind you of someone, or you could just enjoy their company.

Usually everyone else wonders why you like them because they're not cute to them.

But honestly, who cares what people think?

If you like them, that's all that really matters.

Do what makes you happy.

3. The Forbidden Crush

This is a crush you usually have to keep a secret because you know it can never happen.

I literally hate when that happens.

It's like, I like you, but I can't date you because my friend likes you.

This happened to me all too often.

I remember my first day of 10th grade.

It was at lunch.

I saw this guy that I thought was really cute.

I'm not that straight forward with guys, so I said I would give it a day or two, and then tell him how I felt.

Well, the next day came, and at lunch I look over, and my "friend" is all over him.

And later, they even started dating.

I swear, it's like every time I open my mouth about someone I like, my "friends" end up dating them.

Like, FML man.

So my advice to you, and myself, is that if you want something/someone, go for it while you can, because if you don't, it'll be gone before you can even snap your finger.

4. The Out Of Your League Crush

This is a crush you know will never like you back.

And as unfortunate as that sounds, you knew it was never gonna happen.

Usually, everyone likes this person, so you already have a lot of competition.

And you don't want to seem needy, so you kind of back off.

But then you slowly regret your decision because now everyone has even more time with them, and you feel left out.

I learned the hard way

I liked a guy for 3 years and it literally destroyed me.

My advice? Don't fall for someone you know you don't have a chance with.

Trust me, I'm saving you money on tissue boxes and ice cream.

5. The Clingy Crush

This type of crush can get really annoying, really fast.

When you first meet, it's obvious there's some type of chemistry between you two.

But then he finds out that you like him, and he won't leave you alone.

It's like, yeah, I want you to notice me, but give me some space.

Once they find out you like them, there's no going back.

They'll start being nicer and even start acting like a real boyfriend/girlfriend to you.

And sure, it may be cute to some people, but not all.

You're my crush for a reason and I'd like it stay that way.

Not everyone I have a crush on means that I want to date them.

You know those people that you like, but you know they wouldn't make a good boyfriend/girlfriend, so you just want to keep liking them without any problems?

Yeah, it's like that.


That just reminded me of a boy in my newspaper class.

He was cute until he opened his mouth.

He is sooo conceited!!

It makes me so mad!!

Let me go cool down....

Lol, bye

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