People On Social Media

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1. The Trolls

These people can be found on any site, at any time, in all of the comments.

A troll is when a random person either says something dumb on purpose, or they start arguments with people they don't even know.

They make people mad and that's exactly what they want.

People always respond to them, therefore, the troll is winning, and no longer hungry.

Stop feeding trolls!

Because like anything else, if you stop feeding it or paying attention to it, it'll die and fade away.

They usually comment "Darude Sandstorm" when someone asks what the title of a song is.

Or they say "How did this video get 100,000 views when there's only 7 people in the world?"

Like, stahp!

And people actually waste their time explaining stuff they already know.

So if you see these comments, which I know you will, just don't even give them the time of day.

I love how I always put a little inspirational quote somewhere in my rants.



Moving tf on.....

2. The Open Book

This person is called an open book because they literally post everything that they do.

I haven't been saying "literally" for a while.

Guys, I'm back!!!


Okay, sorry, I just got off track.

Anyways, their posts usually go like, "Just woke up. Walking to the bathroom. Shouldn't have eaten those beans #thiscouldtakeawhile."

Can you like, not?

Because that'd be great.

Most of the time, they don't even receive likes on anything they post.

You want to know why?

Because nobody wants to read a book when they click on your profile!

You don't need to go into detail about your life because if you're not famous, then no one cares.


3. The Attention Seeker

This person lives for attention.

It'd usually be a "pretty girl" and then she would caption her picture saying, "Ew, I'm so ugly."

Or, "I look horrible in this pic!"

Then why'd you post it if you thought you looked bad?

I know if I didn't like a picture of mine, I wouldn't post it.

And I know there are some girls that honestly don't think they're pretty when they are, but this is not one of them.

Some guys do this too.

I've seen it all.

And in the comments, people are like, "OMG, Goals!!!"

Or, "Can I like, have your face?"

And then the girl replies with, "I know I'm cute, just wanted to hear you guys say it!"



Like, now!

4. The Really Single One

This person just broadcasts to the whole world that they're single.

And honestly, they just look desperate.

They complain about how they're forever alone or they just post quotes about being single.

It's like, dude, instead of moping around and talking about how it sucks being single, go do something about it.

Everyone wants to grow up, but nobody really wants to grow up.

You know?

And some people just get into relationships, just so they won't be single.

It's sad.

I'm single because I don't want to be responsible for anyone's feelings but mine.

I have priorities and certain things I just don't have time for.

Just enjoy your life as a kid or a teenager.

Because you will miss those days.

And if you're in a relationship and you just started high school, slow down, okay?

You're not missing out on anything.

High school boys will say anything to get what they want from you.

Focus on school and then a relationship can come later.

But if you want to ignore my advice, just be safe and know your worth.

You never know what someone is capable of given the circumstances.

I just got a little inspirational there.

*slowly claps*

Oh, stop it!

5. The Bully

This person is just ugh!


No one likes bullies, but bullies.

This is the internet bully.

Also known as the cyberbully.

This person is literally mean for no reason at all.

They just ruin everyone's day with their negative comments.

Someone will post a picture and they'll comment under it, "You look ugly!" Or "A little Photoshop would make you less ugly."

Like, can you stop?

And they swear they don't like that person.

But if you truly didn't like them, then why are you following them and keeping up with them?

I mean, honestly?

Clearly, there's some love beneath that black heart of yours.

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