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1. The Party Animal

This type of teen knows where every single party is.

Like, how?

Their status usually goes something like, "Don't even remember last night, but yolo!"

Or, "Pictures of last night ended up online, I'm screwed, oh well!"

Okay, the last part was just lyrics from Katy Perry, but still!

Now I'm not saying it's impossible, but very rarely do teens go to parties and not drink or smoke.

Well this teen does it all.

And I'm over here with my books, eating ice cream on my bed.

That's actually fun for me.

I've never been to a teen party before, so maybe that's why it's fun.

Some teens like the high life, others live the why life, and that's totally fine.

Live the way you want, so that when you're old, you won't sit and wonder what life could've been because you were too busy living the way others wanted you to.

2. The "Famous" Teen

I have nothing against this teen, but they're only known because of who their parent is.

Sorry, but it's true.

Their parent(s) usually were big back in the day, and they still have like millions of dollars.

And then, this teen brags about them like anybody even cares about them anymore.

Like, okay, your mom/dad was famous in 1963, but their time is up, and so is yours.

Get over yourself.

Lol, like, bye.


3. The Good Teen

This teen is literally me.

Like, dis muh life.

This teen usually gets good grades, doesn't get in trouble at school, doesn't smoke or drink, doesn't party, and most likely still a virgin.

I literally just described myself.


And no, we're not all boring, so get that stereotype out of your head.

Not everyone has to party to be fun.

But I'm not bashing those who do.

And no, I'm not bragging that I'm a good girl, just naming different types of teens.

It's all love here.

There aren't many of us out there, so enjoy us while you can

Okay, that sounded wrong, but you know what I meant.

And where do the good boys go to hideaway?

Like, hello.

I need yuh in muh life pls.

4. The Gamer Teen

I know there are some teens who claim they're gamers, but these teens are like topnotch.

Like, I'm jealous of them because they just know so much about games.

I just watch people play videogames on YouTube and call it a day.

I usually just watch pewdiepie or theRadBrad.

If you haven't already, you should go check them out and see if you like them.

Honestly, I didn't even plan on writing about these teens, but I just wanted to applaud you.

You're not a nerd, you're actually really cool and everyone wants to be like you.

5. The Disrespectful Teen

This is going to be a lot guys, so stay with me.

Okay, sure, every teen can be disrespectful at some point, but the ones I'm talking about are just plain disrespectful for no reason.

Especially to their parent(s)!!

Like, um, excuse me?

If I talked to my mom the way they talked to theirs, you'd all be at my funeral.

I have this one friend that lives with her mom and grandparents, and she is sooo mean to them.

They always fight, she calls her mom the b word, and throws things at her grandpa.

I'm serious. She's reckless.

Of course her grandpa hit her back with a frying pan, but I told her she needs to learn some respect.

They always say they hate each other, and I'm so glad my family isn't like that.

They could seriously die at any moment and I know you would feel bad if your last words to them were, "I hate you", or, "I hope you die!"

So be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.

And if you're a disrespectful teen, just stop.

It's not cool to disrespect your parent(s).

Or anyone for that matter.

It just makes you look dumb.


And I don't call people dumb unless they deserve it.

And I'm not perfect, I can get a little rude too, but I know when to stop.

You never know what someone is going through so just be nice and spread kindness.

Instead of talking about somebody, give someone a compliment.

Strive to be a better person.

That was mouthful.

Rant ova!!!

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