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1. The Lazy One

This teacher really irritates me. They usually just give a lot of busy work and hope for the best.

Like, why are you even a teacher?

They don't explain anything and they even get mad at you when you ask them a question.

How does that even make sense?

And if the whole class fails a test, there's probably something wrong with your teaching style, not us.

The only good thing about these types of teachers is that if they're lazy enough, they'll just give everyone an A on their homework/test.

But seriously, if you don't like kids, why are you even at school teaching?

Well, barely teaching.

Just quit and persue your dream of being in a rockband or something.

2. The Cool One

I think I speak for everyone when I say this is the best type of teacher to have.

These types of teachers are usually young and/or good looking.

What? You know it's true

They know what's popular and they don't try too hard to be cool because it just works.

They let you listen to music, eat in class, and even let you text.

Sometimes, they don't even give out homework and just call it a free day.

The other teachers are usually jealous of this teacher because of their coolness.

But if you're this teacher, keep doing what you're doing.

We need more of you in our lives.

3. The "By The Book" One

With this teacher, you can't get away with ANYTHING!

They go strictly by the handbook.

If you wear uniforms, then you know the dresscode is already strict.

Now, some teachers will let you off with a warning.

But this teacher will straight up send you to the office if your belt isn't inside the last loop.

They're always watching and looking out for somebody to do something wrong.

It's like they live to get kids in trouble.

Like, give us a break, okay?

If my shirt is untucked, it's because I probably just left the bathroom, or I just didn't want it tucked in, lol.

Wearing uniforms is already torture enough, I don't need you telling me how to wear it.

As long as I'm not naked, it shouldn't matter how I'm dressed.

And most of the dress code only pertains to girls. I mean, what's up with that?

Like someone's gonna be turned on by a shoulder or a knee.

Because in college, you can wear whatever you want and somehow the guys can still pay attention.


4. The "I Still Get Paid" One

These teachers are literally the worst.

I don't have much to say about them because it's going to get repetitive and sound like the lazy one.

I just have one question for them.... WHY!?

Saying, " Well I don't care what you guys think because I still get paid either way", is so inconsiderate.

Like, I'm here to get a mf education and you think that you can mess that up because "you still get paid?"

Some of us still care about school and our grades.

So stop messing with my future and quit your job to do something that's actually going to challenge you.

Don't waste my time!

5. The Last Minute One

This was literally my Spanish teacher.

She would waste a lot of our time talking, as would we, and at the end of class, she'd be like, "Oh, and you guys have homework."


Why the HECK did you not give us the assignment while you were talking?

This is the same teacher that complains about students wasting their time.

But you're wasting my time explaining to me how I'm wasting yours.

Don't get me wrong, I love when the teacher gets off topic and everything, but don't be petty and give us an assignment on something we haven't even learned yet.

And DON'T grade it the next day either.

What literally even?

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