Chapter Fifty: Good bye

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Kiki’s POV

When me and Lisa fist came here the day went to slow but as time moved one the weeks went by like a blink of an eye, a little to fast. Within that time Tombee and Rosey came over because of a letter Rufous had gotten Charlos to give to him, Suave had written to one of his friends Satana, she movied in aswell. Lumi had gotten to trust us, Ashley would help Suave and Gazelle with shopping as she could step into the sun, she didn’t like it but she could and she was also like a mother to everyone, she was like thie mother I always wanted. That’s what has happened so far, the date on which Fallacy, Suave and Jasper where meant to die was in tomorrow. Me and Lisa have been talking about what we should do “look get them to have a pic nic like last time but we’ll kill them as there are now a lot more than us” “Non Lisa, s'ils ne vont pas en premier lieu, cela n'arrivera pas du tout et nous allons mourir”  (no, if they don't go in the first place it won't happen at all and then we'll die) she didn’t seem happey about this but nodded anyway.
Things around here have really changed there are a lot more people, it’s a lucky thing Fallacy’s castle is really big or we might not have all fitted inside, me and Tombee have talked a bit over the weeks he’s been training me like he used to and Fallacy had been helping to. I went to the library like I normally did, I was reading a book about a really good detective who lived in a really big town and his partner was a doctor and was also a knight for the royal guard in his town. My thoughts my Encre “Bonjour ça va?” (hello, are you ok?) he sounded worried, I didn’t look up at him as I continued to read “Oui, je vais bien, qu'est-ce que vous ne doutez pas, comme si quelque chose vous troublait ce qu'il y a?” (yeah I'm ok, what wrong you sound as if something is troubling you what is it?) he sat in front of me “C'est juste que vous m'avez dit et Falacy que, une fois votre travail terminé, vous n'existerez pas, qu'est-ce que vous vouliez dire par là?” (it's just you told me and Fallacy that once your job is done you wont exist, what did you mean by that?) I sighed and put my book down placing a book mark so I could remember where I was up to “Je veux dire parce que l'événement dans le temps m'aurait changé et Lisa disparaîtrait comme si nous n'étions pas là pour être avec mais vous, vous et l'autre, Lisa sera très bien, est-ce tout ce que vous devez savoir?” (I mean because the event in time would have been changed me and and Lisa will disappear as if we wasn't there to being with but you you and the other Lisa will be just fine, is that all you needed to know?) he looked even more sad than he was before “est-ce que ça va faire mal?” (will it hurt?) “Je ne sais pas” (I don’t know) I stood up and gave him a hug “Je ne me dérange pas même si cela le fait car cela en valait la peine et je ne pourrais pas être plus heureux”(I don't mind even if it does because it would be worth it and I couldn't be happier) I left him after then, know he’ll be ok.
It was getting late as the sun began to rise outside “Kiki are you ok?” Ashley asked standing next to me as I watch the sun rise from the safety of the shadows “Oui je vais bien, j'ai peur” (yeah I'm ok, just scared) she pulled me into another one of her loving motherly hugs even if she was younger I always found myself telling her everything.
Once the sun had risen I watch Ashley leave with Suave, there going off to the village, I could feel myself falling asleep “hey are you ok?” “Je suis d'accord Jasper” (I’m ok Jasper) he gave me a hug from behind “every thing is going to ok, now go get some sleep” I laughed at him a little “Ok maman” (ok mother) we laughed as we went off, him going to his room and me going over to my room.

Fallacy’s POV

I woke up to Suave like I always did as Encre hugged me tightly I poked his head “come on, it’s time to get up” “non” (no) I kept poking him “Arrêtez” (stop) “wake up then” he let go and sat up, I got up and started to get dressed “Quel est le plan pour aujourd'hui?” (what's the plan for today?) “well today, I’m not sure Encre we’ll have to talk to Kiki and Lisa” “D'accord” (ok) we got ready and went down to the dinning room when I we got there I could see Tombee, Rosey, Rufous and Azure “good morning” they all looked over to me “good morning Lord Fallacy, Ecnre” he smiled as they said that “just wondering have anyone seen Kiki?” they thought for a bit “oh, he hasn’t gotten out of bed yet, as he said ‘I’m to depressed for this shit right now come back in an hour’” Rufous said getting a drink we looked at him as if he was joking “what?” “Je vais voir s'il est bon” (I'm going to see if he's okay) Encre ran up to his room, I followed him up. He knocked on his door “Kiki?” “Est-ce que vous allez bien Kik?” (are you ok in there Kik?) “allez-vous en!” (go away!)  he sounded really sad. I sighed to myself, to day is not a good day for him but he need to come out of this room “Kiki I need to talk you, so I coming in now ok” “NON!” (NO!) I opened the door and walked in he glared at me and Encre “what?” I laughed at how cute he looked “arrête de te moquer de moi” (stop laughing at me) “ok as long as you get out of bed” he sighed slipping out of bed, he had slept in his clothes and in my cloak “Bien, je suis content maintenant?” (fine, I'm out happy now?) I smiled at him “yes now come along we all need to talk about what are plan is for today” I turned around walked back down to the dinning room with Kiki and Encre behind me talking with to each other.
“this is stupid, really stupid “ “oh shut up Rufous it’s better than your plan, I mean really we’d be walking right into danger” called Tombee “HEY, it’s not stupid” this has been going on for a bit now their arguing about what we do now, Kiki had told as the plan he thought would work and be the safest but no one agreed, Encre, Suave and Gazelle did but everyone else did not. Now their just shouting “PENDRAIT TOUT UN CHANGE!” (COULD EVERYONE SHUT UP!) kiki stood up and slammed his hand onto the table getting everyone to go silent, this is better “Maintenant il est clair que personne ne peut proposer un bon plan. Alors, qu'en est-il, nous en faisons la dernière fois, sauf cette fois, il y aura plus de nous et nous nous rappelons de faire cette nuit-là, il n'y en a que douze et ils sont seize d'entre nous” (now it is clear that no one can come up with a good plan. so how about this, we do with happened last time except this time, there will be more of us and remembering make to that night, there was only twelve of them and their is sixteen of us)  that’s not a bad idea “well then you put it like that it seems easy” Tombee smirked “yeah!” the others called out “but what if Bon Bon told Eterna about Kiki and Lisa?” Gazelle asked “it ok we’ll take them” I answered “ok then me, Gazelle, Fibi and Satana will start to get the pic nic ready” Suave said getting up and making his way other to the kitchen with Gazelle, Satana and Fibi “I’ll help!” Charlos shouted running off the catch up with them. We continued to eat and talk “are you ok Kiki?” I asked he nodded “everything is going to be ok” “Oui, avec un plan comme celui-ci, rien ne va mal” (yeah with a plan like this nothing can go wrong) we agreed with what Encre said “J'espere, Fallacy Une chose de plus lorsque c'est fini, pouvez-vous libérer Viola et l'autre Lisa, Eterna les a enfermés” (I hope so, Fallacy one more thing when this is over could you free Viola and the other Lisa, Eterna has them locked up) “of coures you have my word” he smiled and hugged his cloak “everyone the pic nic is ready” Suave said walking in with a basket so did Gazelle, Charlos and Satana, I smiled Eterna is going to wish she stayed at home. We had set out I was walking with Encre, Rufous was with Azure and Satana, Charlos with Fibi and Gazelle and then Suave and Ashley walked together to. Kiki, Lisa, Tombee, Rosey, Lmui and Jasper were flying around us this is going to be fun. When we got there we set out a blanket and sat up the pic nic, we then played some game,  told stories , had some food and played more games, as the night carried on I think most of us forgot about Eterna and her plan but  anyway me and Encre  was star gazing I think this it the right monent , I turned to face him “Ils sont si beaux, n'est-ce pas?” (they're so beautiful don't you think?) he looked me in the eyes “no your beauty out shines them by a mile” “F-Fallacy!” he blushed so much I held both of his hands “Encre even though you haven’t been in my life that loong, I know you’ve been here long even for me to know that I don’t want to lose you” I got down on one knee he gasped as I pulled out a small box with a ring inside “we may have to fight soon so I wanted to do this now, so I ask will you do me the honour of marrying me?” I was blushing bright yellow “OUI! Je vais, je le ferai !!” (YES! I WILL, I WILL!!) he practically jumped on me when said that the others awwed at as Encre hugged me, he keep kissing my face. When he did stop I looked over at the others they was charring and clapping Kiki was crying “finally” Jasper called out “ooh shut it” we all laughed. I was so happy fright now, nothing was going to change that not Eterna, not anyone “so when is Eterna goning to get here?” asked Rufous “Eh bien, elle serait apparue maintenant, mais rien ne se passait” (well she would have showed up by now but nothing happened) we we’re all confused by this he had token a step forward but ended falling to the floor, Lisa tried to help him but she fell as well “Kiki, Lisa!” we all ran over to them to try and help them “Ça va?” (are you ok?) Encre asked very worried Kiki nodded but what shocked us the most of all we that Kiki’s and Lisa’s legs where disappearing and they we’re smiling “whats happing?” Jasper asked upset “mine and Kiki’s mission is done” Lisa spoke softly as more of her disappeared “C'est bon, vraiment, n'oubliez pas de Viola et l'autre Lisa” (its ok, really, just don't forget about Viola and the other Lisa) Kiki was crying the other stepped back giving us some space. Kiki started to cry was he faded away “Menteur, vous pleurez” (liar, you crying) Encre said as he wiped his tears away “Je ne suis pas triste, je suis content” (I'm not sad silly, I'm happy) he joinged hands with Lisa “we’ll be with our family again” she spoke softly not having the engry to speak in any other way. They looked at each other and smiled brightly like this way the bst day for their lives “Nous sommes venus ici ensemble Lisa, laissons-le ensemble” (we came here together Lisa, let's leave it together) “I wouldn’t have it any other way my king” there was silent as they fadded away like they was never here to being with.

Holy cow were at chapter 50 already!? Wow it feels like only yesterday when I was writing chapter 10 kidding 😹 but still omg didn't think I'd get this far so thank you guys for all the support you've given me, I made this Chapter longer than the other just because it's the 50th chapter 😸 I hope you enjoyed it, I nearly cried when writing it anyway I'll see you peeps in the next chapter!!! 😹😸

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