Chapter five

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Encre's POV

After a bit I was able to get of floor, she hit me, I can't believe she actually hit me like.....well now that I think about it, I can believe it but where did they go? Its mid day and she dragged a vampire out into the sun. she's going to kill him!! I thought as I ran outside and over to where she kept Vampires. Once I got there I could she there must have been a fight that happened here as there a bit of broken stuff, looking around I saw the little vampire he had burn marks on his face, head and arms. He looked so scared "what do you want Encre!" I saw Eterna walking over to me "Laissez-le aller, il est juste un enfant!" (let him go, he's just a kid!) "yeah a blood sucking kid!" I don't know how long I could keep my cool for "how stupid are you? He's freak, something that shouldn't ev-" I lost it, I slapped her around the face.

Eterna POV

I stood there for a bit, just thinking about what the hell he just did "you've got guts, ill give you that" he just smirked "Je n'ai pas de tripes, je suis un squelette" (I don't have guts, I'm a skeleton) he laughed a bit and that's when I lost it. Before he could do anything I grabbed him and put his arms be hide his back, he tried to get lose but I had a strong hold on him "Descendez de moi!" (get off me!) he shouted but as I was stronger ended up walking him back to his house and throwing to the floor "stay here, if you know what's good of you!" I shouted as I walked off

Sir Azure POV

I needed to talk with Eterna about the vampire attacks that have been happing this week and being head of the royal guard it's a part of my responsibility to check up on her. But as I walked in, I small alone was enough to make me sick there where vampires in every cage but the once that caught my eyes was the one kid that was there I was about to take a closer look when "Azure what are you doing here?" Eterna came in "I came to check up on you and this place" she sighed "you don't need you, as I keep telling you I can handle this just fine" the opened the door waiting for me to leave but I sat down "you do keep trying me but if that true" "which it is" "why was it that a vampire was able to break in and free another vampire?" she growled at me "they were lucky, unlike like this one" she said smirking as she pointed at the kid "I see and what's going to happen to this one?" "he's going to die, now leave you have now right to stop me from my job so you go off and do yours while I do mine" I got up and walked out "I heard her sigh, I couldn't help but feel bad for the kid but he's a vampire so I can't.....can I?

No one's POV

As Eterna and left Encre he began to get lots of thing ready, there was no way he was going to let the vampire kid die not if he could help it. Running around his some what messy house he put together a bag which had, clean clothes, an art book, pencils, and some water. He then put on a cloak making sure he had a spare one and a sword "Ne vous inquiétez pas petit mec, je vous sauverai" (don't worry little guy, I'll save you) it was mid day now and Eterna had told the hole village that she was going to kill a vampire in town square that day, in front of everyone. As people started to show up, wanting to see a vampire burn to death Eterna once again dragged the hurt vampire into town square, she had a blanket over him so he wouldn't die yet "good day everyone, this thing that stands before you is none over than a vampire despite how he looks he is be hind the attacks that happened this week" the crowd of people bowed at the vampire as he himself feared of his life "so now I punish you, you vale thing to burn in hell!" she toke the blanket off of him everyone laughed as the young vampire screamed in agony and pain while Eterna smirked to herself

(Heya Peeps I hope your enjoying my book so far, just wanted to say that I might only be updated it on the weekends as I right each chapter at school, then a good friend of mine proof reads it then I copy over to wattpad X'D that's all BOI)

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(Heya Peeps I hope your enjoying my book so far, just wanted to say that I might only be updated it on the weekends as I right each chapter at school, then a good friend of mine proof reads it then I copy over to wattpad X'D that's all BOI)

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