A/N....thank you and sorry

244 7 3

Hey everyone thanks a bunch of reading, voting and commenting on this book I really can't believe that this book has over 4.50k!? So once again thank you!! also..............

Im really, really sorry to say thid but I'll be taking a small break from this story not because I've run out of ideas nah I've got lots but I having a...um how do say this...

I'm having a temper tantrum like a child because I had made about 3 and half new chapters and there gone....*sighs* so I'm not writing for a bit....I know it's silly...one more thing as I have you here if any of you like Sonic I've started a new story that is in the Sonic Univers, I'm writing it all by hand down on paper so that should be fun, I'll be posting the first chapter really, really soon so if you what to check it out that cool

.......um....thanks for your time?? I'm not sure on what to say.....see you later when I finally rewrite the next chapter ^u^ later peeps

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