Chapter twenty six

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Encre’s POV

we got to the cliff side, me and Fallacy hand in hand and then up ahead of us was Jasper and Suave holding hands. Once we got there Jasper was amazed at all the stars that were there, well we all were. I could hear the sea below crashing agents the cliff face it was so peaceful we ended up inviting Gazelle, Bun Bun and Fibi with us. We set out the blankets and set up the pic nic but before we sat down Fibi started a game of tag, we were all running around tagging each other Fallacy won that game but I won our game of hide and seek. After all our games where played we sat down and eat the food, we where all having a lovey time.

Suave’s POV

Today has been a blast, I haven't had this much fun in a while. Me, Gazelle and Jasper where talking about the most random thing’s while Fallacy, Encre and Fibi talked about more random things. When we where all finished eating Gazelle, Fibi and Jasper played more games while me, Fallacy and Encre watched the stars. Encre was drawing a lot of them while he zoned out me and Fallacy talked “so did you bring it?” I asked “y-yes I did but I’m not sure about it” “don’t be you both love each other so much anyone can see that” “I know but what if he dosen’t like th-” “he will I had Rufous make it, it took him 3 weeks” “he makes 90% of all our metal items” “I know but we’re going off topic, ask him, it’s a beautiful night the perfect moment” “I’ll do it, I’ll ask him” I smiled before standing up and walking over to join the game the other where playing.

Fallacy’s POV

Ok, todays the day, I’m going to ask Encre the most important question ever “Encre?” I tapped it shoulder “Oui?” (yes?) “I need to talk to you” I stood up, Encre stood with me annd we walked closer to the cliff’s edge “De quoi vouliez-vous parler?” (what did you want to talk about?) “well I know we haven’t been together for that long and I wouldn’t trade the time we've spent for anything, I was happy we you came into my life, I sorry if this it going to fast” I got down on one knee and he gasped “but I feel that if I don’t ask you know, I’ll lose you, you are the love of my life and so much more, so Encre will you marry me?” I got out a box and opened it showing a gold ring with a blue diamond, he didn’t say anything, he covered his mouth and cried,  I fucked up, I really fucked up. I tried not to cry but  couldn’t help it as I felt both the warm tears run down my cheeks and what was my heart break “Oui” (yes) “what did you say?” I looked up at him, he was blushing like crazy and wearing the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen “J'ai dit oui, oui je vais vous marier!” (I said yes, yes I'll marry you! )  I got up and kissed him as fast in was unreal “I was so afraid you’d say no” “J'avais l'intention de te demander de m'épouser ce soir mais tu me parles”   (i was planning to ask you to marry me tonight but you bet me to it) we heard charring and clapping from behind us, we looked over to see the others clapping “finally, about time you asked Father!” Jasper shouted “congests guys!” Gazelle shouted to this was the best day of my life but our moment was sort lived when we heard slow lord clapping from over in the woods and a person stepped out, the last person I wanted to ever see in a very, very long time and they where not alone “long time on see Fallacy” fuck.  

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