Chapter thirty three

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No one’s POV

Tonight was the night of the red moon, everyone who wasn’t a vampire locked themselves in their room eagerly awaiting morning. Tombee, Lisa and Rosey were already tearing the place up, Viola was trying to keep in control but not doing a good enough job and then finally there was Encre who couldn’t keep his cool and had managed to get out, he ran through the forest killing anything he saw and drinking it dry. He did this until he came to the village. He knew he wasn’t meant to be there but he couldn’t stop himself. He ran though the village, he had trapped a little kid they stood in fear as he looked up at Encre crying fearing for his life until, something caught his eye it was Eterna she was walking around, Encre smirked at this and let the kid scream catching Eternas attention. She ran as fast as she could to where she thought she heard it but “Eterna!” Doctor Lofy stopped her “what is it? You know you shouldn’t be out here, it’s a red moon” “i-I know but I couldn’t l-leave you out here a-alone” “that’s nice and all but you really have to get inside” “I will w-when you do” “you know I can’t, I have a job to do” “i-I *sniff* know” “oh no please don’t cry please” Eterna said hugging Lofy “i-I just w-worrire *sniff* about you” “I know you do *sigh* if you stop crying I’ll go home ok?” “o-ok” Eterna wiped away Lofy tears but unaware to the pear, a stranger stood in the shadows smriking as he wiped his mouth clean. Not to long after that very loud screams where heard from the doctors house, doctor Lofy had been killed.  As the night went on Encre killed many people and animals untill he ended his thirst for blood. He laid down under an old oak tree trying to recap on what he had done that night but he just couldn’t. He felt ashamed that he couldn't keep control, he knew that it couldn’t have been helped but still he could have tried harder. Encre has sat under the tree for so long he didn’t notice what the time was, he only did when he felt himself burning under the suns rise’s heat “Merde!” (fuck!) Encre got up and ran as fast as he could trying to keep to the shaded parts of the woods.

Night’s POV

I had been awake for a while now, no that’s not true I didn’t sleep at all. I only dread to think what awaits me  outside of this room, I heard everything they did before they left, they distorted a lot of things. I’m used to this of cause Lord Fallacy and Jasper where the same, I used to wake up to a lot of broken things. Soon I heard some knock on my door “good mooring Sir Night” “good morning Lord Tombee” I got up and slid the key under the door and Tombee unlocked the door and opened it. I saw some broken things but I seems that they had started to clean up, Lisa, Viola, Rosey and the other servants was clean up “sorry about the mess” “it’s fine Lord Tombee we’re used to this, now go and and see your brother I’m sure he really wants to see you” “I’m sure he does” I walked off having a good look of the place it may take some time but we will get this cleaned up. I was near the front door when I saw it open and someone walk in “Lord Encre what are you doing out side!” “Je ne sais pas, je pensais prendre un bronzage” (I don't know, I thought I'd catch a tan) “don’t joke like that” “Je suis désolé” (I’m sorry) “I know your still hurt by what she has done but you need to take better care of your self, it’s what they would have wanted” I nodded and hugged me, this token me by surprise as I hugged back and let him cry in my arms “Night Je crains de faire quelque chose de vraiment stupide” (Night I fear I have do something really stupid) “I’m sure it will be ok my Lord” “Comment es-tu si sûr?” (how are you so sure?) “because I am” he cried for  bit but I was able to cram him down and put him to bed. I turned around and came face to face with Bon Bon “do you need something?” “y-yes I was, I needed to tell you something” “what is it?” “last night Gazelle wasn’t in her room last night and I still can’t fine her, I’m really worried” “thank you for telling me, I’m sure she’s fine” “agreed” I left her to take care of Encre as I went to fine Tombee. Maybe this is what Encre meant when is said he had done something stupid, maybe he killed Gazelle? No he wouldn’t would he?

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