Chapter four

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No one’s POV

Eterna ran at Fallacy with a wooden stake in her hand “die you leech” Fallacy dodged easily and throw a chair her and it hit her sending into a walk hard “aaagh!” “weres Jasper Eterna!?” Fallacy shouted dodging the wooden stakes she throw at him, “i don’t know we’re your stupide parasite of a son is” she said getting up and running at him as she close she throw dirt in his face and ran behind him but before she could stab him in the back he wacked her with his wing sending her to the other side of the room “you should be thankful that I’m not killing you Eterna” “f-fuck you” she panted trying to catch of breath after being winded, after that was said Fallacy left once he knew Suave is a save distance away from them.

*time skip two weeks brought to you by Mettaton’s legs*

Encre’s POV

“Wow je temps vraiment voler quand vous vous amusez, bon petit gars?" (Wow I time really does fly when your having fun, right little guy?) the little just looked at me funny “Je sais que tu ne me comprends pas" (I know you don’t understand me) this little guy had been staying with me for two weeks as he hurt his wing. Suddenly someone was knocking really loudly on my door, I ran over and opened the door “Bonjour Eterna, qu'est-ce qui vous amène ici?" (hello Eterna, what brings you here?) she looked out of breath but that didn’t stop here from her from just pushing me aside as she came inside “Pas besoin d'être grossier, vous pourriez de demandé si vous vouliez venir, vous savez?" (no need to be rude, you could of asked if you wanted to come in you know?)  “I know, but anyway I need your help Encre” she sighed “aider avec quoi?” (help with what?) she opened her mouth to say something but stopped and walked over to the small bat “what is this, doing here?” “Oh yeah j'ai trouvé le petit gars blessé à l'extérieur, donc je l'ai aidé" (oh yeah i found the little guy hurt outside, so I've been helping him) she looked at him with anger, the small bat woke was shaking with fear “that’s no bat” she went to grab him but he turned into human!? Have jumped be hide her. He let a small whimper as he held his arm in pain, I was shocked the bat was really just a little kid a vampire kid at that but still Eterna went to stab him it the back but I grabbed her hand “Ne pensez même pas à refaire ça! Il est juste un enfant!" (don't you even think about doing that again! he's just a child!) I shouted “open your fucking eyes Encre he’s a vampire!” she shouted back with venom in her voice as she glared at  the kid “Ce qui va lui arriver?" (what Will happen to him?) "that depends on what kind of vampire he is” before I could say anything she punched my rib cage make me fall to the ground in pain as she dragged the hurt vampire kid away.

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