Chapter twenty two

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Simons's POV

Me and Orion waited in my new lab while Eterna got a test subject for use to test our machine, I told her that was a 10% chance that it would work, 20% chance that nothing will happen and 60% chance that the test subject could die. She told me that is didn’t matter but I shouldn't be worried it’s not like it will hurt us. She had been gone for an hour but as I checked the machine she walked in with someone over her shoulder “who’s that?” “just a traitor, no one of any importance” she said coldly, dumping them on the floor and tiring the parsons hands behind his back “so when will we start? I’d like to get this over with” I looked over at the person on the floor very soon we just need to wait for the machine to turn on” “Professor it’s at 50%, it’s going to take a really long time to get to 100%” Orion called over “thank you Orion” once the machine got to 89% it was already night time, the moon was sighing brightly and the person on the floor began to wake up “Qu'est-il arrivé?” (what happened?) “he’s awake” he looked over “Bien fait, je vois que vos compétences d'observation sont toujours bonnes” (well done, I see your observational skills are still good) she glared at him as she walked over to him and slapped him around the face “you will do well to shut up” “faîtes-moi” (make me) she grabbed some rope and tided it around his mouth stopping my from talking “the machine is ready” Orion called as the machine made a gate like opening which looked blue, red and purple “lets do this” “are you sure? There’s a 60% chance he will die” the began to freak out  as he tried to get away but Eterna throw him thorw it, the cloesed once he went though.

Encre’s POV

I hit the ground hard as I fell, great how an I going to get up? My hands are tied and there rope around my mouth stopping me from talking. What even happened? What do I do now? I should get back to the castle  Fallacy will be able to help me, I know he would. It was a nightmare to get up but I was able to, as I made my way back as a knife came flying out of no where and nearly hit me! “shit need to work on my aim” I don’t who this is, as a dark figure stepped out of no where “oh look what we have here~” he purred as he stepped closer as I take a step back, he pulls out another knife “a little snack all tied up and ready to eat~, now stay still~” I backed up into a tree, I looked all-round looking for a way to get pout but he grabbed me by the neck and cut the rope around my mouth “lets hear you scream~” “Laisse-moi aller!” (let me go!) “oh what~?” “Car vous aurez à traiter avec lord Fallacy” (or you'll have to deal with lord Fallacy) “I know” he backed off “I’m just messing with you hahahahah” he laughed some more “Ce n'était pas drôle” (that wasn't funny) “I guess it wasn’t but I found it funny, now turn around so I can untie you” I did as I was told as he cut me free “you were heading for the village wasn’t you? If I was I wouldn’t, these two weird people that came into the village not that long ago and need a test subject for there time machine  thing said they thing they can send people back in time and as you saved Lord Jasper in front of everyone, I think they’ll use you as one if they find you that is” “Oh merci ” (oh, thank you) he bowed “glade I could help, I need to be one my got now the night is still young” I hadn’t noticed it was night time “ but before I could say anything as he left. Wait time machine!? That mean I went back in time!? How long have I gone back? Where do I go? I put my hood up I made my way back home but not close enough to be seen by anyone. I say outside it wasn’t cold but it wasn’t warm, I waited until was morning and I saw Gazelle leave the castle, I remember she told me that she went out for a walk, so this mean I  went less than a day back in time, I guess it could be worst so all I have to is wait it out till tomorrow than the other me would have gone back in time and do the same thing as I am and I just act as if nothing happened it’s a great plan. I went off to take a walk as I did I saw someone in a long black cloak, It looked a lot like Fallacy’s no it was Fallacy’s but why do they have it? I went a bit closer and as soon as I did then ran off, I tried to keep up but they where faster a lot faster, great just great and that was Fallacy’s favorite cloak to.
As I waited it soon got dark again and I sat by a cliff watching the rough sea below crash agents the sea bed as the night stars shined in the night sky “there you!” before I could say anything some hugged me from behind “you really have to stop just leaving like that at lest tell me or someone your leaving, I was so worried” “Je suis désolé ” (I’m sorry) “don’t be sorry just don’t do it again, please”  “Je ne vais pas” (I won’t) he picked me up “this is a really nice place we’ll have to come back here one day” “D'accord ” (agreed) we started to walk home, it really was a nice night tonight I’ll draw the night sky when I get home. Once we got home we was greeted by Suave who looked like he has been worried “Greetings my Lords how are you this evening?” “Je vais bien merci” (I’m good thanks) “same” Fallacy still wouldn’t put me don’t, it’s both funny and annoying  “good” “where’s Jasper?” “he went out My lord, he said he would be an hour” “how long has it been?” “two My Lord” Jasper please be careful out there “Je suis sûr qu'il va bien, probablement perdu la trace du temps ” (I'm sure he's fine, probably lost track of time) they both nodded and Suave walked off, I looked up to Fallacy he seemed deep in thought “Il va être bien, maintenant j'ai vraiment besoin d'un bain alors tu pourrais me mettre bas maintenant, je peux vous marcher vous savez” (he's going to be fine, now i really need a bath so could you put me down now, I can walk you know) he smirked down at me making me blush “ok, I’ll carry you there~” “Je peux marcher moi-même” (I can walk myself, put me down) “but where’s the fun in that~? he walked up to the bathroom, locking the door behind him and then putting me down “ok now you can take a bath” “Mais vous ici! Je ne peux pas” (but your here! I, I can't) “you’ve seen me naked and wet your point is~?” all I could do is blush like crazy as I turned around facing the other side of the room to embarrassed to face Fallacy. He hugged be from behind kissing the back of my neck making me moan softy in surprise this made him laugh a bit as he started to undress me, I wanted to stop him but at the same time I didn’t, come on brain make up your mind “sensitive back here aren’t we~?” he whispered as he licked my neck “AHH~! F-Fallacy Je-je ne suis pas prêt pour ce~“   (AHH~! F-Fallacy I-I’m not ready for this~) “It’s ok I wont make you do anything you don’t want to~” he let of me and started to strip as well “Qu'est-ce que tu fais!?” (what are you doing!?) “I need to have a bath to you know” I nodded and got in and he got in next to me, making me blush so much my cheeks were hurting a bit.

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