Chapter thirty five

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Night's POV

I was in Encre's room looking at something I had found, I really couldn't believe what I saw, it was unacceptable who in their right mind would let such good tea go to waste? Who left this here for him should have done so later on in the evening. Oh well I guess it can't be helped, I picked up the cold tea and let Encre sleep.

Eterna's POV

I knew I shouldn't have gone home but I listened to her it's not her fult I know that but now she's gone and to top that off 4 other people died because of me, no because of him this was Encre! This is his way of revenge he doesn't know what he's gotten himself in for, this, means, war.

Lisa's POV

Me, Viola and Rosey have been cleaning up it's been really fun, Viola wouldn't stop making puns and Rosey make some jokes to. Today has been really fun well aside from finding Gazelle's glove but aside from that it's been fun "hey guys" Viola got are attention "why was the broom late?" "agh" "why?" I asked trying not to luagh "because it over-swept!" I laughed so much, I really like bad jokes and puns, there really funny. We cleaned so more we saw Bon Bon lighting up candles nothing wrong with that but it's just the look on her face that says other wise, I'm worried. The day went on nothing strange happened which is good, I got to talk to Azure and Rufous today, they said something about a few people getting killed in the village, that's not good and just like every day night came. Encre was awake now and Gazelle was getting Encre something to drink, he joined us at the table sitting where he always did, we all talked even Encre which was a nice surprise but before we could finish some one came running in "Lord Encre *cough cough* t-there-" "FIBI!" Encre got up and ran over to here, her dress was burned but how "Qu'est-il arrivé?" (what happened?) "t-there's a fire, s-someone set a fire and it's sperad" "I'm on it!" Azure got up and ran "I'm coming to!" "no your not" Tombee picked up his brother "put me down!" "Rosey" "yes" "go help Azure make sure he's safe" "yes sir!" she ran off to "Viola, Gazelle and Bon Bon Allez prendre de l'eau et aidez-les" (Viola, Gazelle and Bon Bon go get some water and help them out) "yes my Lord!" "Et Lisa aide Fibi" (and Lisa help Fibi) "of cause my Lord I was left a alone looking after Fibi.

Azure's POV

This fire was no accident some one did this as I got closer I could see the fire it was in the library make sense scene the library is full of books wait Night work's in there "so what are you going to do?" Rosey asks me "I think Nihgt is in there we need to get him out" "agreed" we both went in, the hole room has begun to go up in flames but we couldn't see Night anywhere. Where is he?
Many hours passed and we had only just put out the fire, we found Night but he was already gone, we found his dust, Encre is beyond mad "that sly bitch" Tombee says holding his brother close "C'était elle n'était-ce pas?" (it was her wasn't it?) Encre said coldly it scared me how cold it was, he stood up gritting his teeth in pure anger "Si c'est une guerre qu'elle voulait, c'est la guerre qu'elle aura" (if it's a war she wanted, it's war shes gonna have) the others agreed with him, I just nodded. She has to be stopped.

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