Chapter Fourteen

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Encre’s POV

Fallacy’s castle is really big, I’ve gotten lost three times! But I have been able to draw a lot, I drew some of the maids and butlers doing their jobs, they didn’t mind, I also drew some of the room because they looked nice. Now though I’d be lucky to find my room, I’d put my book down somewhere and now can’t find it, great just great. I was walking down one of the many hallways who’s bright idea was it to make most of the hallways look the same? I walked into a random room hoping it was my own but I couldn’t see anything? There was so much steam, am I in a bath room? But where’s the bat- “AH!” before I can thing clearly the ground from under me disappears and I fall in the bath and one on someone “HAY!” oh shot  “Je suis tellement désolé je ne voulais pas tomber sur vous, je-” (i am so sorry i didn't mean to fall on you, i-) he just laughs at me, I blushed so much “my, my Encre if you wanted to jump my bones so much you could have just asked” he smirked……..wait WHAT DID HE SAY!? “Attendre non, non, non, pas de rien comme ça, je viens d'obtenir un peu perdu et je pouvais se-” “I know I was just playing” why does he have to be such a wined up? “so are you planning to get off me are we going to lay here all night? I don’t mind but your hand is on my spin” I got off of him really fast “OH DIEU J'AIME SOUS!” (OH GOD I AM SO SORRY!) why does he keep laughing?. My cheeks are hurt so much I can’t stop blushing, how could I have just layed on him like that and he’s not wearing any clothes as well! As I thinking I hadn’t noticed Fallacy getting closer to me to the point he was right in front of me “F-Fallacy ce que vous êtes-” he leans in closer and push’s me down, I caught myself as I put my hand down, stopping me from being pushed under the water but Fallacy was laying on me smirking “you really do look cute when you blush” stop calling me cute! Is what I wanted to say but I was unable to say anything “I’m glade you came here, even if you didn’t mean to. I was starting to get a little hungry~”…..did he said say what I thing he just said? I tried to move him but he quickly bit my neck again, this time it didn’t hurt as much as it had the last time, it felt weird not a bad weird it was kind of a good weird “mm~” he stopped at looked with a little shock “did you just moan? I didn’t you liked it that much~” he purred while smirking “Je n'ai pas gémi, vos auditions!” (I didn't moan, your hearing things!) “sure I did” he got even closer to my neck again and this time actually licked it “A-AH~!” I moaned in surprise making him laugh more as he sat up “now you did” “Oh ferme la”  (oh shut up) “make me” I didn’t do anything other than look away “that’s what I thought, anyway lets get out the bath rainbow face, I’m pretty sure our meal will be ready soon” I just nodded. We made our way out the bath, I could help but look at him, I really liked how the black of his bones turned red at it got to his feet, it was beautiful.  I’m not gross for looking for looking at him right?
Anyway he got himself a towel before using a side door to go to his room “you can use some of my clothes for now ok?” “Je vous remercie” (thank you) “your welcome” we got changed facing away from each other, Fallacy putting on pretty much the same clothes while I had a black top, black trousers, black boots and I had a waistcoat that was crimson red at the top and blue as it went down, I really liked it *knock, knock* “my-lord it’s time for dinner” “ok Suave we’ll be down in a moment” I wonder how Suave has been, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen him “are you ready to go my living artwork?” “Oui” (yes) “you look really good in that” “Je vous remercie” (thank you) I said blushing “you can keep it, I’d like to see you in it more” why must he smirk all the time? And why does he look so hot when he does? I was about to say something, I couldn’t just keep this but I took me by the hand and just stared to walk to the dinning room.  Then we got into the dinning room, Jasper and Suave were already there “good evening” Fallacy greeted as the two greeted us back,I sat down at one side with Fallacy next to me having Jasper and Suave in front of us as we began to our dinner. I’m not sure on what to do, I’ve lived on my own for years so being in a family environment is strange to me, I didn’t talk that much when the other where talking well one I didn’t know what they were talking about and two its none of my business to butt my two pence worth “Encre are you ok, you a really quiet which is surprising because you’d talk a lot to me about anything when I was in bat form for hours on end” Jasper laughed a bit “Je ne savais pas qui tu étais alors” (i didn't know who you were then..) “I know it’s just you seem a little lost is all” “Bien, je suis juste habitué à être dans une famille environnement” evryone looked a little saddened by this, I didn’t like it, I don’t like pity nor do I want it. “not I get why hardly anyone came round your hous-” “lord Jasper, think about your saying” “oh right….sorry” they whisped that last bit but I still heard it “Ça va vraiment” (it’s ok really) “now that I think about it, you must have a family that are worried sick about you, don’t you” Fallacy asked getting a little concerned “Non je ne le fais pas, mon papa a travaillé beaucoup et n'a jamais bouché pour s'assurer que nous allions bien, ma maman juste à gauche et ma peine a été tué” (no I don't, my dad worked a lot and never bothed to make sure we where fine, my mum just left and my bother was killed) that’s when the room went silent, well done Encre what a way to kill the mood, no one said anything for a while, I don’t think anyone knew what to say. “C'est bien, vraiment” (it's fine, really) soon enough they started talking again.

((Wow two updates within three days....hehehe that has taken to long in my opinion....but oh well I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far X3 and I'm sorry if the grammar it's that good. I'll see you peeps later boi))

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