Chapter two

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No one’s POV

“Eterna Laisse-moi aller!” (Eterna let me go!) Encre shouted as they got into town “I’m doing my job, whether you like it or not!” and with that he walked home, not impressed that he wasn’t able to go for his ,morning walk….on his way home he heard people scream, running over to where it was, Encre could see a crowd of people and Dr Lofy. Someone's been killed as he was looking over Eterna stood next to him “this is what I was trying to tell you about, there's been 3 deaths within the past week involving vampire‘s. so I think it would be best if you went home” Encre didn’t say anything he just nodded and carried on walking home.
It was getting really hot as the sun shined brightly over the town just be Encre went inside he heard a small whimper from something, wanting to know what it was he went looking for it behind his house, it was a little dark with the really big oak trees that had stood there for years. Continuing to look for something at the bottom of the biggest oak tree was a small bat, this took Encre back a little as it was to early for bats to be up at this time of day, two this bat had black, pink and yellow wings. He loved how unreal the bat looked “Hey là petit gars, vous ok?” (hey there little guy, you ok?)  picking the small bat up , he could  see  that the small bat had hurt it wing “Tout ce que vous pauvre chose, ne vous inquiétez pas je vais vous aider"  (aww you poor little thing, don't worry I'll help you) and with that he walked inside to heal the small bat, he was black of course but he has pink and yellow on the inside of his wings, so was his ears and had pink eyes.

*time skip, to after Encre had put a band aid on the bats wing*

"Là vous allez petite, voyez que ce n'était pas si dur. Même si tu m'as mordu et gratté un peu" (There you go little one,  see that wasn’t so hard. Even if you bit and scratched  me a bit) Encre had spent the last 10 minutes wrapping the bats wing, with that done he made it bed and then started to paint.

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