Chapter 29- The End?

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I am running, running away from him. I look behind me, he's almost caught up. I recognize him as Albus Rathbone, the head game maker. I wonder, why is he in the arena, why is he after me?. He has a menacing look in his eyes. My legs are aching and I cant run any more. I suddenly collapse, I fall to the ground with a thud. He is staring straight at me, he has a gun in his hand, why does he have a gun? There not aloud in the arena. He aims for my head. This is it... I'm going to die.

I scream.

............End of nightmare.............

I wake up shaking with fear. Calm down, calm down I say to myself, it was only a nightmare. I suddenly remember where I am, I'm in the arena. I wonder if the system is running again. I look around me. Everyone is still asleep. It is now beginning to get bright. They were right... The system is back up and running. I can hear mockingjays chirping and the plants around me are starting to regrow. Some life has been put back into the arena. I have a strong tension in the pit of my stomach. What are they going to say to us?

Just then I hear the familiar sound of Albus Rathbones voice. I tremble with fear.'Morning tributes' he says. He almost sounds angry 'you may now resume where you left off. I am happy to say everything is now In perfect order and we are all looking forward to the exciting games ahead'. I almost laugh inside. Everyone's now awake and listening. Should we say something I think. I look over to mother, she looks back and doesn't say a word. I look to Reagan. Everyone is just staring at each other not sure what to do. The cameras are probably zoomed up to each one of our faces waiting for one of us to say something... To explain why we are all sitting here... together.

We've waited too long. I decide to speak up 'We will no longer fight!' I shout as I raise to my feet.


'This is enough, we need to put a stop to this cruelty!' I say as I raise my bow to the sky. The others soon join me and we are all chanting and raising our weapons to the sky 'WE WILL NO LONGER FIGHT! WE WILL NO LONGER FIGHT!!'. There must be uproar in the capital. But whatever it takes we won't give up. 'WE WILL NO LONGER FIGHT!'.

Suddenly Mabel is shot to the ground. Mother shreaks. I turn around to see blood gushing out of her head. We are all now kneeling beside trying to reduce the level of blood flowing. 'Its know use' I say 'she's dead'.


Mother starts to cry. I wrap my arms around her quickly into a big hug. I look up and around me everyone has stood up. What is it? I soon see for myself. There are hundreds of mutts surrounding us in a big circle ready to attack, their eyes are fierce. They are ready for business... Then I realise the they are going to attack... They are here to kill...

This is really it, I think. This is no nightmare. This is how I'm going to die.

They are circling around us, everyone is ready with there weapons. I soon realize there's no point.... There's too many of them. We're dead... its too late... it didn't work... We said we were going to longer fight. I throw my weapons to the ground. Mother grabs my hand and Reagan on the other hand. They have all followed suit. I hear the clink of weapons hitting against the ground. We are weapon less.

I brace myself for the impact.

It all comes to quick. I am on the ground. They are tearing at my flesh. Chewing it like its their breakfast. I'm sure at one point I saw my ear in his mouth. Who'll ever know? Why does it matter? I'm going to die. I'm numb with the pain, every inch of my body is searing with pain. Think happy thoughts I think to myself... Think happy thoughts...

I am back home, I am walking into the kitchen taking in the sweet smell of chocolate chip cookies coated with vanilla icing. The chocolate chips drip down my fingertips as the softly-crumbling cookie melts into a hot puddle of steamy goodness in the middle of my mouth. The chocolate oozing out of it just like the blood oozing out of my punctured chest. Think happy thoughts I say to myself... Father, mother and Rye are there. I smile, we are happy... Happy. My head is swimming.... Chocolate... Cookies... Mother... Rye... Reagan... MUTTS.... Everything goes black.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

President Ivy Snow's POV

Excellent, kill them all. Why should there be a victor?. They defied the capital. I watch them on screen, every tribute is lying on the floor... Dead I presume by now. I'll be nice I think.'Turn off the screens' I shout. They've seen enough to know...

No one defies the capital ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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