Chapter 4- The Journey

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Katniss' POV

I break down and cry, I cannot stop the tears coming out of my eyes. Opal kneels down beside me and gives me a big hug and sobs 'I'm so sorry this is happening to you Katniss, mother has told me all about you and Peeta... She will be devestated you have been chosen again'. She wipes away her tears. 'She will be delighted to meet you again katniss, how long has it been now?' 25 years' I cry.

Willows POV

I watch my mother and opal crying to each other. I then go to give mother a big hug. 'I am so sorry' she cries 'its all my fault'. 'Its not your fault' I reply 'it was my name called out' .Opal interrupts 'its no ones fault' she whispers. Father and Rye rush into the room. Mother runs into fathers strong arms almost knocking him over. 'Katniss, Willow it will be ok' he whispers. We all sit it silence. A peacekeeper then tells us it's time to go. 'Now wipe away those tears Katniss' father says. I'm glad fathers our mentor, I get to spend a bit more time with him. Then we all walk outside to find a bus awaiting us. It is a 20 minute bus journey to the train that brings us to the capital.

For the whole journey mother, father, Rye and I don't say a word. We just sit there and take it all in. I think of the capital, what will it be like? I've heard many stories but I've never seen it for myself. I think of the interviews, what will my angle be? The other tributes, what will they be like?

We suddenly come to a halt. 'We're here' screams Opal. We all walk onto the the train and I am shocked as to what I see in front of me. Food and more food.'Dig in' says Opal. I ate and ate until I couldn't eat anymore. I must fatten up for the games I say to my self.

I see my father at the other side of the table trying to coax food into mother. Eventually he gives up. I watch my brother Rye pick up a red velvet cupcake. 'Nice choice' I say. He looks at me. What is he thinking I think to myself. 'Your taking this very well' he eventually says. 'I must stay positive' I reply.

Father starts to speak 'we will start with the mentoring tomorrow. Over the next few days we will learn about ye're angles for the interviews, training and the other tributes... I know I am your father willow but you must treat me as a mentor, you can treat me as a father only at appropriate times... same goes for you katniss'


'We will start tomorrow' he says and gets up and leaves the table. Father and Rye have to sleep in another carriage to the tributes. 'Night katniss' he whispers and gives her a kiss on the lips. 'Night willow' he gives me a kiss on the forehead. I then reach out and give him a big hug. 'Is this an appropriate time?' I ask him jokingly. He laughs 'yes it is... love ye'. He walks out the door, Rye along his side.

'Time to show you your room' announces Opal, 'ye will be sharing, I hope ye don't mind'. I see the smile on my mothers face. The first smile she has given since we have been chosen as tributes. I know she will want someone there, she hates being alone.

We are brought to our room it has two double beds. I'm undress quickly and I climb in. I am knackered from today's events. I look over to mother, she is wide awake. 'Mother' I say 'you must stay positive you know, you have won this before, we have a big advantage on the other tributes'.


'I know' she eventually replys. 'You need to start acting more like you care mother, it's not fair on me'. I start to raise my voice. She just sits there and nods. 'Its not all about you you know, this is not a good time to have a breakdown... Just please, think this over start acting like a real fighter just like I know you are'. She doesn't reply, within minutes I hear a light snore coming from her bed. She didn't even listen to me I think to myself. Within minutes I was fast asleep myself.

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