Chapter 6- The Capital

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I cling to the table I'm lying on and wince as she pulls of the last strand of my leg hair. I think to myself do the people of the capital go through this all the time, it gives me the shivers. Mother is at the other side of the room and I see they are oiling down her skin. She just lies there with her eyes closed. I think I will do the same.

'Willow... Willow' shouts Astonia 'you were asleep. I must have fallen asleep while they were working on me. Astonia is one of my stylists. The other two are called Magnolia and Camillus. I have never heard such bazar names in my life. 'Its time to meet your stylist' announces Camillus. In walks a man about 5ft 4 inches tall. He has a short beard and scruffy hair. He has bloodshot eyes and wears a bright orange suit. He looks a sight. Mother looks over to me and frowns. 'Hello, my name is Gauze and Im your stylist' he says very quickly. 'Here are ye're outfits for the opening ceremonies, now get dressed'.

He is horrible are my only thoughts as I put on the black bin bag with bits of coal stuck onto the outside. I can't wear this I say to myself, we will get no sponsors. 'This is a joke' mother shouts 'We can't wear this, and we won't, Willow take it off, we are getting new costumes'. We march out of the room. 'I need to find Opal' she announces. 'Opal' she shouts. 'Katniss'. 'Where did that come from?' Asks mother. 'Katniss' we hear again. Mother runs to the end of the hall and bursts into a door. 'Effie' she screams. 'Katniss' she replys.

Katniss' POV

I run over and give Effie a huge hug. 'You haven't changed' I say. She just looks older. She has developed a few wrinkles here and there. 'Neither have you' she replys. 'I am so sorry Katniss this is happening again' she sniffs. 'The odds are not ever in my favour' says mother. Effie laughs. 'Introduce me to your daughter' she says. 'This is Willow' I say. Willow shakes Effies hand. 'I have already met your daughter, Opal, she's just like you' I say.

Willows POV

Mother and Effie talk and talk for about half an hour. I interrupt 'mother, how about our costumes'. 'Oh yes' she says 'Effie, we need help, our stylist Gauze is awful'. Do you still have Cinnas outfits stored away somewhere?' She asks. 'You came to the right person' she replys 'come with me'.

Effie leads us down to the basement and takes out a key that opens a cupboard. I gasp. 'Wow' I exclaim. 'They're amazing'. 'Chose whatever you want' says Effie. Mother picks out two black leather body suits and says 'these are the outfits Peeta and I wore to our opening ceremony, I think these would be perfect'. Mother puts on hers, 'still fits like a glove' she says. 'Opal will fix yours, Willow' says Effie 'I don't have as many skills as I used too'. We leave the basement and head back up to the makeover room. 'Oh Katniss, Willow where were ye?' Asks Opal. 'We were finding some new outfits' answers mother. 'I thought so' mumbles Opal. 'Can you fix Willows' asks Effie. 'Yes mother' she replies.

'Now Katniss I must go now I'm leaving for the other side of the capital in the morning'. 'you must leave so soon?' I ask. 'Yes, I will watch on the television, I believe in ye to win Katniss and Willow, I really do'. 'Oh thank you Effie' says mother as she wraps her arms around her, 'it was nice to meet you again'. 'Bye willow' she says and gives me a big hug and leaves.

Several minutes later Opal enters the room 'try this on' she tells me. I put it on, it fit perfectly. It was a full length tight leather suit. It's hard to believe father wore this 26 years ago in the 74th hunger games. 'Now it's time to test the flames' says Opal. I press the button on my sleeve and I am engulfed in flames. 'Amazing' I exclaim.

Two hours later after doing more preparation we were on our way to the opening ceremonies. It will be our first time meeting the other tributes. I am a nervous to see who they are. We enter the room. Mother and I analyse the other tributes. I see many people of all different shapes and sizes.

Out of the corner of my eye I see mother running over to a tall brown haired man and she is screaming 'Gale, Gale!' She runs into his arms and they both drop to the ground, arms wrapped around each other.

Oh no, I mutter to myself, not Gale.

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