Chapter 10- Day 5

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Dedication to Haybug1112. Thank you for the lovely comments. Its nice to know someone likes my fan fiction :D 

It's now day 5 in the capital. In two more days we'll be in the arena. Today we are doing interview preparation. In the morning we will be working on our presentation for four hours with Opal. In the afternoon we will be doing a mock interview and figure out our angles with Peeta.

I wake up mother and I get dressed into a pair of dark jeans and a yellow blouse. 'Ready' asks mother. I nod and we go to the dining hall for breakfast. Mother and I are the first to arrive. I ask one of the maids has she seen father and Rye today. She says no. 'They're late' I say. 'I know' says mother 'lets just eat'. 'Did you know the  before they had maids there were avoxes, avoxes were people who had there tongues cut off for breaking the law'. I gasp 'oh my god' I say 'that's dreadful'.

Just then father, Rye and Opal walk in. 'Sorry we're late' says father 'we were talking with Gale and Izaks mentor about ye're interviews'.

After breakfast mother and I were lead back to our room. Mother and I sit on a bed and wait patiently for Opal.

Around ten minutes later Opal comes in with a massive suitcase following behind her. She opens it and says 'these are your interviews outfits'. She pulls out mother and I's reaping dresses. 'I recovered them from the train' she says. 'Oh thank you Opal' says mother. She then pulls out a pair of dark Blue heals with silver sparkles on them. They are beautiful. 'Now try them on Willow' says Opal. I try them on and walk around wobbling on each step. Mother has red stiletto heels and she's wobbling too. 'You know Willow, Effie told me when Katniss was here for the first time she was a wobbler just like you... Your just like her you know...'. I laugh 'yeah, I guess so' I reply.

For the next four hours we practice how to walk gracefully, posture, eye contact, hand gestures and smiling. My feet are aching by the end of it. We have our lunch and head into another four hours session with father. We practice some mock interviews. Father says my angle is to be fiery just like my mother, I must act as a threat to the other tributes. I also must show how much I love my family. 'So Im fiery and lovable?' I ask. 'Exactly' replies father. I can do that I think.  Mother must basically act like a mother. She is protective of me and she also must bring up Gale in the interview.

When the four hours are over I am too exhausted to go to dinner so mother and I ask for our dinner to be brought to us. We eat until we can't eat anymore. Mother and I have gained weight since we've been in the capital.  Father leaves and we are left alone. We now have a few hours to ourselves. There is a stack of past interview DVDs in the corner and we decide to watch a few of them to pick up some last minute tips.

An hour later mother and I are too exhausted to watch anymore so we decide to get into our beds. Just the interviews tomorrow night and then we're in the arena the next morning. I am so nervous. 'I wonder what the arenas going to be like' I say to mother. 'I don't know she replies, no one ever knows'. It could vary from being a desert like climate or a cold climate. One year it was a dessert and most people just died from dehydration. That was a very boring year, they won't do that again. Many thoughts are going around my head and what it feels like hours later I eventually fall asleep.

I know this wasn't a very exciting chapter but I didn't know what to write, hopefully the next one will be a bit easier to write.

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