Chapter 28- Plans

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I wake up feeling refreshed, I slept the whole night through, not a sound echoed through the arena. Silence, it's beautiful. Seconds later I am snapped back into realisation... Today we could leave this god forsaken arena. This is what I think everyday, but today hopefully will be different. I look to who is lying around me, Mother, Mabel, Reagan and Celeb. In one day it went from two to five. Wow. What's going to happen once the capital system is up and running again?. What will they do once they find out all remaining tributes have formed an alliance, not just an alliance against other tributes... But an alliance against the capital. I swallow, this is just like in the 74th hunger games when mother defied the capital by pulling out those berries. I am oblivious to what lies ahead of us. I just hope there is some light at the end if the tunnel. But first we must find the other tributes, let them in on our plan. A plan, which we haven't even thought out... It just kind of happened. There's two to find, it's between Bennett, Blythe and Mathew. One is dead, but we still don't know who, just as the name was appearing in the sky the system failed and we were left with the unanswerable question, who died?. I suppose we'll find out today. I secretly hope it's Bennett who died, he's the one who killed Izak in such a gruesome way, he's awful.

I jump when I hear the loud whirring engines of a capital hovercraft on the sky. An announcement comes out of the loud speakers, it's a recording of Albus Rathbone. This is what is has to tell us 'Attention tributes, we are working very hard to get the system up and running by this evening. Be back to where ye left off by the time the sun goes down.' How dare he tell us what to do I think to myself. It's rude, he's not the boss of us.

Everyone is now awake. 'Well' says mother 'we must make use of the time we have'. 'What's the plan?' Asks Celeb. 'Well...' Replies mother 'we find the two remaining tributes'. 'And what then?' Reagan buts in. 'I'm not sure' says mother 'We're not going to kill them if we don't have to, are we?'.

There's silence.

'We ally against the capital' I blurt out. A mixture of 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' come from there mouths. What were they expecting? Once the capital see that we have all given up fighting there just going to let us free? I don't think so... It will be a lot harder than that.

So it's decided. Once the system is back up and running we will display ourselves as a team, as an alliance... This could be dangerous.

We are now all starving and there I no food. We decide to leave and see if we can find some food or maybe even the others. I walk alongside mother and Reagan. I still don't trust Mabel. Any time she could just snap and kill mother.

Within no time we come across a tribute lying asleep on the ground. Smart, I think. I don't recognise who it is. With a process of elimination we can come to the conclusion that its Blythe from district 1. He looks almost dead. 'What do we do?' I whisper. 'We need to take his weapon' says Caleb. He reaches over and pulls his sword slowly from his hand. Instantly, he jumps and just stares at us in shock. He has no energy left in him. I point my bow and arrow towards him just incase. 'Put in down, Willow' says mother. I reluctantly put it down. Blythe looks as white as a ghost with fear. 'Its okay' says mother. 'Step back' she says to us 'give him some room'. She talks to Blythe gently and persuasively. She helps him to stand up. 'Everything ok?' Asks Reagan. 'Yes' says mother 'Blythe has decided to ally with us'. So off we go again, now the six of us, just one tribute left to find before nightfall.

As I am walking along, every step is a push. I am hungry. I am tired and I just want to go home. 'I can't do this anymore' shouts out Reagan and falls to the ground. He begins to cry 'can we please stop here?'. We all agree. I was just thinking the same thing. 'We must get moving soon though' says Caleb. It's mid-afternoon and the sun I beating down on us. I go over to sit next to Reagan who is in the shade. 'Are you okay?' I ask him. 'No' he replies 'I miss my family, I miss my home, I even miss my cat' he cries. 'Oh, I know' I reply 'now your going to get my started'. I reach my arms up and give him a massive hug. 'Thanks' he says. 'For what?' I ask. 'For that' he replies 'I needed that hug'. 'No problem' I say .... 'I needed it too'.

I turn around to see mother, Caleb and someone else fighting. Oh no I think. I quickly grab my bow and arrow, run over to them and scream 'If ye don't stop, I'll shoot'. Straight away, they stop. I recognize one of the boys to be Mathew. Mathew Banks, male tribute from district 12. His father was killed a few days ago, I guess he has been alone ever since. 'You hardly think you can kill all of us by yourself' I state. 'No' he says, tears are welling up in his eyes. We all tell him what our next move is, it is dangerous, but we're not going to kill if we don't have too.

It's now coming to the evening time. All of us are together in one group. We are strong. We will not lose. Seven tributes against the capital?. I don't know what will face us in the next few hours but I'm ready, we're all ready.

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