Chapter 24- Capital Cruelty

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It's begins to get dark and we decide to get some sleep in a nearby tree. The lake is about another hour journey, we think. We will begin our journey early morning. I climb into my sleeping bag and settle on a large thick branch with my bow glued to my hand. 'Good night' I say to mother and Gale. Just then the anthem plays and we see Harlow's face from district 1 appear in the sky. It makes me feel sad, even though I am the one who killed her. She didn't deserve to die, no ones does. My hatred towards the capital grows and grows everyday. My thoughts soon turn into dreams and I am asleep.

I wake up to the sound of Mother screaming. I rush over to the branch she's on, feeling my way around, it's pitch black. 'Mother', I say while shaking her shoulders gently trying to wake her up. 'Willow, Willow' she says as se gives me a huge hug, 'I had the most awful nightmare'. 'It's ok' I say to her while putting my fingers through her long hair 'it was just a nightmare, it's not real'. 'Stay with me' she says. 'Of course' I say. I climb into her sleeping bag, and put my bow and arrows on the nearest branch.

I wake up again and think to myself it's time to go, we want to get a head start on the other tributes. It's still dark and I know I haven't had much sleep. I get out of mothers sleeping bag and almost fall down the tree. I catch onto a branch and I steady myself. I shake mother and Gale awake. 'Time to go' I say. They moan.

Ten minutes later we are heading on our way to the lake. I try to observe my surroundings. The exit to the arena could be anywhere. I really do hope we get Gale out. His family misses him loads. I gulp when I think of Izak, an innocent boy, dead by the arms of the capital. Anger boils in side my stomach. To my left, I see a oddly shaped tree, a willow tree I think. It soars high In the sky and suddenly bends downwards. I turn around and there on the ground are primroses, millions of them, a meadow of primroses. I see mother collapse onto the floor and watch as she bunches some in her hands and smells them. 'For you' she chokes out. She's upset. Primroses bring her back memories of her sister, Prim, who died also by the arms of the capital. I wish I knew her, mother has told me many stories. Prim was only thirteen years old when she died, she wanted to become a doctor just like her mother, Grandma. Grandma lives in district four. I don't get to see her often, but when I do, it's special. I remember the time we all sat around by the fire just talking about life. We were happy then. We had no worries in life. But of course we weren't happy for long. When it approached reaping time, mother stared getting more nightmares, father became silent. It was the worst time of the year. We were forced to watch the games year after year in television. Mother and father never escaped, they have been mentors ever since they won the games. We see the tributes from district twelve go in but never come out, never, hardly even made it past the cornucopia.

Before I know it the sparkling blue lake water lies before me, almost to blue... Gale runs for the lake bed. 'STOP' mother and I shout together. 'Its probably poisoned' I say. 'It looks too blue' mother agrees. 'Only one way to find out' says Gale. He takes a scoop of water in the palm of his hands and lets it drip over a nearby plant. Instantly, it shrivels up, dead... The waters poisoned.

Oh no...

We look around. 'We seem to be the first here' I state. We begin to look around. 'Its useless, there is no sign of the first clue' says mother as she collapses onto the ground. I sit next to her and put my head on her shoulder. Gale does the same on mothers other shoulder.

Just then a parachute, floats down. I open it quickly. 'Iodine' shouts mother. 'Iodine' reads Gale 'what is it Katniss' he asks. 'It purifies the water' she says 'You add three drops and must leave it for roughly twenty minutes, it says'. 'Great' says Gale. Mother fills up the large water bottle from her backpack, adds the iodine and we wait.

Twenty five minutes later, we have the bottle empty, we were so thirsty. We fill it up again and wait. We wait, for what? Wheres the clue? Are they waiting for more tributes to arrive? I don't know, but I have my bow and arrow at the ready just incase.

Just then a screen appears on a nearby tree. Albus Rathbones face appears, 'congratualations, you are the first to arrive at the lake, here is your first clue to the whereabouts of the arena exit is'. Suddenly an old video is being played and it takes me only seconds to realise...

It's mother and Rue. Mother is covering Rue with flowers... Its a clip from the 74th hunger games... I look to mother who is staring in shock. Then the song begins.

'Deep in the meadow, under the willow

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow

Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes

And when you awake, the sun will rise.'

And the screen vanishes. We are in a state of shock. 'Thats it' says mother 'how could they do this' she begins to shout 'bringing up memories of my past'. Mother is furious and so am I. She bursts into tears and collapses onto the ground, instanly I rush to her side to comfort her. 'Oh Rue' she sobs 'Prim'. I hold her tight in my arms and Gale, mother and I lie in a heap on the rouge forest fround.

Rue reminds mother of Prim, her little sister. This is cruel, president Ivy Snow is trying to break mother into tiny pieces, she wants revenge. She won't break me though, I won't let her.

I won't let her get to me. I will protect my family and I will do anything I need to do it. And before I know it I am pressing my thumb into my palm and raising it to the sky and i'm blurting out 'As a memory to Rue and to Prim, and to all the innocent people you have killed'.

Instantly, I register what I have just done... my actions will mean consequences...

Hey I updated!

Sorry it took so long, my christmas tests are coming up and I have been sooo busy with study and with gymnastics! Sorry!

Hope ye enjoy this chapter!

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