Chapter 5- The Journey continues

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I wake up in the morning to hear the shower running. Minutes later mother walks out 'morning dear' she says. 'You've changed your tone' I say... 'No nightmares?'. 'No' she says 'I've been doing a lot if thinking, it isn't fair on you, Peeta or Rye the way I'm acting... I've decided I am going to start acting like, as you said, the real fighter I am'. I run into her arms and give her a big hug. 'Thank you' I say.


'I am scared you know'. 'I know, so am I' she replys 'it's alright to be scared'.

I get dressed quickly into a pair of purple jeans and a white lace shirt. This would probably be the most normal thing in the cupboard. Mother and I head down to breakfast. Father and Rye are already sitting at the table eating. 'Morning' says mother excitedly. Father and Rye look at her. 'Morning' they reply in unison. We sit down and eat and father starts to talk to us about today's events. 'Its a big day' he says, 'we will be arriving in the capital shortly, ye will then be brought to your makeover room'. Mother scrunches up her nose. 'I wonder who our stylist will be' she exclaims, 'I don't think he or she could ever be as good as good old Cinna'. Mother looks upset.

Father continues 'the opening ceremonies will be on tonight, these are the most important part of the games, you are giving your first Impressions'. 'They already know everything about me' mother says 'I've nothing else to give'. 'That's where your wrong katniss, you do have something else to give'


'You have something else big to give... You have Willow, you can present yourselves as a team, an alliance... a mother and daughter that will do anything for each other'... I smile.

Opal comes bounding into the room 'we're here' she exclaims, 'now, win some sponsors'. Mother, father,Rye and I rush to the window and start waving, smiling and blowing kisses. The crowd were going crazy. I was overwhelmed with what lay in front of my eyes, people with all sorts of coloured hair, there skin was glowing in many different colours, they wore the most hideous clothes I have ever seen. We then entered the tunnel. I saw Rye giggling 'did u see what they wore' he chuckled. 'Yeah it was hideous' I reply.

The train stops and we all bundle out. Mother and I are brought to our makeover rooms and father and Rye head of in another direction.

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