Chapter 3- The Reaping

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'Willow, Rye get up' shouts father up the stairs. It's the day of the reaping is all I think to myself. If I get reaped I will drag mother along with me. Over the last six months we have been training with the bow and arrow. I am now proud to say I am as good a shot as mother. We also trained with handmade wooden knives and swords carved from sticks.

I walk downstairs to find a beautiful dark blue dress lying on the sofa. I gasp. 'Do you like it?' asks mother. 'It's beautiful' I cry and give mother and father a big hug. 'It's a present from both of us, for your first reaping' says father. 'Thank you' I reply. Mother is wearing a stunning red dress to her knees and father is dressed in a matching black suit with a red tie. They must look presentable to go to the capital. You see they have been district 12 mentors for the last twenty four years. There have been no other victors from district 12 since mother and father won the games. This year is no different.

I bring my dress upstairs and try it on. It is tight fitting at the top and then flows out and finishes at my knees. There are blue sparkles running through the dress. It's amazing. I fit on a pair of dark blue flats to match.

I run into my brother's room. He is wearing dark jeans, a red shirt and a black jacket. 'You look smart' I say. 'So do you' he reply's... 'Oh willow I do hope you and mother won't get picked'. 'Me too' I reply... 'But if we do I must stay positive for mother, it will bring back a lot of bad memories for her'.

'Willow, Rye it's time to go' my father shouts. We both rush down the downstairs and head to the reaping. Mother and father greet everyone we pass. 'Good luck' one passer says. Mother and father are very popular in district 12.

We arrive at the 12 year olds line and I give them one last hug. I watch them take their seat on the stage. A lady comes around and pricks my finger and presses it onto a piece of paper. 'What was that for?' I ask the girl next to me. 'It takes a blood sample to sign you in. It's so they know everyone had turned up'. 'Oh' I mumble. I think I briefly heard father telling me that before.

The chairs on the stage start to fill. On the left sits mother, father and Rye and the mayor. I look over to where the parents are supposed to be and I see Haymitch, Haymitch was mother and fathers mentor when they were in the games... He's like a grandfather to me.

At exactly 11AM opal trinket takes to the podium. Opal trinket is district 12's escort. She is Effie Trinkets daughter. Effie Trinket was mother and fathers escort when they were in the games. She is now too old to be an escort. Happy and jolly as always, Opal Trinket gives her signature 'Happy hunger games, and may the odds be ever in your favour'. She wears a bright pink wig and a green and pink dress with frills. She has elongated green eyelashes and bright pink lipstick. She looks a sight. I catch Ryes eye on the stage and he rolls his eyes. I giggle. She goes on about previous years of the games and what an honour it is to be a tribute in the games. I zone out after that.

'Now, Ladies first' she says her voice ripples through the crowd. I jump. She waddles over to the big glass ball. My name is only in there once I say to myself. She opens the slip and reads out


'Willow Mellark'

I feel num. I hear mother scream. I walk to the stage slowly with no expression on my face; I do not want people to know how scared I am, I do not want them to see me as weak. Opal grabs me by the hand and says 'can Willow Mellarks mother please come up to the stage'. She looks over in the direction of mother. Mother reaches for my hand and gives me a reassuring squeeze. 'Well, this is going to be a very interesting year' announces Opal. 'Now, onto the boys'. She reaches her hand into the ball and reads 'Mathew banks'. I see whispering coming from the fifteen year olds line and watch a handsome boy emerge from the crowds; he has brown hair and grey eyes. His father looks very similar; you would know they are father and son. I have never seen them before. 'Give it up for this year's tributes' announces Opal. There is no applause... I look over to my mother, she is raising her three middle fingers to the crowd. This is a sign throughout the districts that means admiration, it means goodbye, it's a sign of strength throughout the districts. I do the same. We are soon rushed into the justice building and mother breaks down and cries.




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