Four Funerals and No Wedding

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A/N: Come on, did you really think I was going to kill her off before we got to the wedding? I'm not that cruel.

The Boarding House:

Clara's been making phone calls all day,

Caroline comes up to her, "Hey what are you doing?"

Clara: "Calling everyone letting them know the wedding has been postponed,"

Caroline: "What? No!"

Clara: "Caroline, no one is in the mood for a wedding, everyone is in mourning, Mason, Rose... Isobel."

Caroline gives her a look.

Clara: "Okay, maybe no one's mourning Isobel but still... plus I don't even have a dress anymore, it's just not going to happen today."

Caroline: "Yeah, alright I guess I understand."

Clara: "How's Tyler holding up?"

Caroline: "Not good, ugh I don't know what to say to him, how to make it better."

Clara: "There's nothing you can say, just be there with him, let him know he's not alone."

Caroline nods appreciating the advice, she takes the numbers still left to call and splits them with Clara so they can get it done quicker.

Caroline notices something, it's a nanny cam.

Caroline: "Wait, are we being filmed by that creepy bear?"

Clara: "Oh yeah, sorry. Damon had to go, he needed Bonnie's help with something but he's not ready to let me out of his sight just yet, the feed goes directly to his phone."

Clara looks at the camera lovingly like it's sweet but Caroline's whole body shudders grossed out by the creepiness.

Caroline: "Are you and Elena okay with having to hide out here for while... until we're sure Elijah and Klaus are gone?"

Clara: "Elena's going a little stir crazy but honestly I'm just happy to be alive."

Caroline: "I'm happy your alive too." Caroline gets up and gives her a hug, which Clara is happy to reciprocate.

Clara: "So Stefan and Tyler figure out what story to sell your Mom?"

Caroline: "Oh yeah they told her that Mason and Rose had a car accident, both dying on impact, she was a little suspicious about there being no autopsy or investigation into the crash but John helped to sell her on it, turning her attention to Isobel... he had this whole sob story about finding Elena's birth mom only to discover she was a vampire and having to stake her, so now she's busy helping John 'cover-up' Isobel's death while we work on covering up Mason and Rose's."

Clara: "Never a dull day in Mystic Falls, uh?"

Caroline: "Nope."

Old Salvatore Property:

Stefan finally finds Damon and Bonnie out in the woods behind the ruins of their old house,

Stefan: "There you are, what are you doing way out here?"

Damon: "That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot."

Stefan looks to Bonnie who also offers no explanation,

Stefan: "Fine whatever, but we're going to head back to the house, we need to figure out what to do now."

Damon: "And then what's the plan, Stefan? The curse is broken. How does one go about killing an all-powerful wolf vamp and his two-faced older brother? Not to mention what'll happen when they find out what the Martins did."

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