Kick Off

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Stefan is at the bar drinking when Elena arrives. He sets down his drink and waves to her, "Hey!"

"Hey. How are you?"

He kisses her on the cheek forcing her head to turn slightly, she spots Damon and Clara.

"Wait is that Clara, is it safe for her to be here, around all these people?" Elena asks concerned

"Its fiiine, nothin to worry 'bout."

"Are you drunk?" Elena asks, kind of amused seeing her boyfriend act like a typical teenager.

"Okay, I know it's a little weird but it's really helping me. The alcohol takes the edge off." He explains.

Elena smiles, "You're totally that drunk high school guy at parties sneaking booze."

"I totally am, yeah." Stefan whisks her onto the dance floor, and Elena decides just to get the most out of Stefan's carefree attitude although it did concern her to see Stefan use compulsion on the DJ to change the music, it was something Damon would do not Stefan.

Elsewhere at the party...

Damon brings Clara over to Sheriff Forbes wanting to introduce her to one of the few people in this town he actually likes.

"You know I love a woman in uniform but I have to side with this one, you certainly clean up well."

Elizabeth chuckles, "Thank you, Damon. Cheers!" (They clink glasses.) "And who is this lovely beauty?"

Damon wraps his arm around Clara's waist and pulls her closer, "The reason I came over, I would like to introduce you to my wife."

Sheriff Forbes nearly chokes on her champagne.

"I'm sorry did you say, wife?"

"Shocking I know."

It certainly was but Elizabeth quickly regained her composure "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Salvatore, can't imagine why Damon never mentioned you before."

Clara smiled shyly, "You as well, and please call me Clara. And I imagine my lovely husband was simply trying not to brag."

"Sassy too, she'll keep you on your toes. How long have you been together?"

Damon looks at Clara proudly, "Indeed she will, and we've been together since we were children... she was my best friend growing up and I've been completely besotted since the day I laid eyes on her." Clara ducks her head into Damon's chest slightly embarrassed and surprised by how sweet he is being, but loving every moment of it.

"Wow, I feel like I am seeing a whole new Damon Salvatore. You know I had my doubts about you at first but like everyone else on the council you've won me over."

"Thanks, Liz. I don't really want this talked about, but I consider you a friend and know you well enough to know not to try and sneak anything past you but the truth is we have been separated for a few years... that's why I never mention her before."

"It's alright you don't owe me an explanation." Elizabeth tries to tell him.

"No really, it's okay you should know. I was young and stupid and I made a horrible mistake that nearly cost me the best thing that ever happened to me. Truthfully I never expected to get a second chance and I am just really thankful I am getting one now." He explains looking at Clara with such love and devotion Elizabeth Forbes sees nothing but a repentant husband determined to make his marriage work, a rare thing nowadays.

"Well welcome to Mystic Falls Clara, I hope you both are very happy here."

"Yes, I hope so as well, and thank you for being so welcoming."

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