For Jeremy

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3rd Person POV:

Stefan knew being vulnerable in front of anyone was not easy for Damon especially when that someone was him and he appreciated that his brother had come through for him today.

He put his ring back on as the sun started to rise. He wasn't sure if it was for Elena or his brother or even himself but knowing Damon had faced similar battles within himself and that Clara and Elena both tried so hard to reach him it made him feel like there was something in him worth fighting for and not giving up on.

It would be hard but Stefan wanted to keep fighting he wanted to see more of who his brother was now with Clara by his side and he wanted a chance to have something similar with Elena. He still felt terrible about the girl he hurt and all his victims before but giving up wouldn't change anything, Clara had been right about that... he wasn't sure he was ready to fight crime just yet but maybe someday he could go to the lengths Clara had suggested and truly atone for his atrocities.

He prayed there was still hope for his soul... if there was hope for Damon, surely there could still be hope for himself.


Alaric had decided to stop in the grill for a nightcap. He sits at the bar, drinking alone. A woman approaches him.

"Hello, Ric."

Alaric recognizing the voice slowly turns around and comes face to face with his wife.


"It's good to see you. You look good. I hear that you're a high school history teacher? How is that?" Isobel says as if she had only been absent for a couple of weeks and not faked her death and became a vampire.

"Where have you been, Isobel?"

"I don't have any reasons that are gonna comfort you. I don't have any explanations that are gonna satisfy you. I wanted this."

"It's that simple?"

"Yeah. You were supposed to mourn me, and move on." She tells him as if it's his fault

"You were my wife, and I loved you. How could I not search for you?"

"Because I wasn't lost, Rick." She takes a paper and writes something. "I understand that you know my daughter, Elena, and I hear that she's been looking for me. So..." She gives the paper to Alaric. "I want you to arrange for a meeting with us." Alaric looks at the paper.

"You want me to deliver a message?"


"Screw you. You selfish bitch."

Alaric throws the paper on the ground and storms out of the bar.

In the parking lot, Alaric is going to his car. Isobel arrives behind him. Training as a vampire hunter Ric can sense there is someone behind him.

"What do you want from me?" He asks her, refusing to show any fear.

"I told you."

Alaric shakes his head, "I'm not gonna do anything for you."

Having enough of his attitude Isobel strangles him and pushes him against his car.

"You better tell Elena that I want to meet or I'm gonna start killing the citizens of this town one by one and I'm gonna start with your history students. Got it?" Satisfied by finally seeing the scared look in his eyes She throws him on the floor and gives him the paper.

The next day Alaric arranges for everyone to meet so he can fill them in on what happened.

Damon enters Alaric's classroom pissed he had to leave Clara for whatever this little powwow is about. He really needs to find a way to get her a daylight ring made.

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