Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Damon: "Get out of my wife, NOW!"

Clara/Elijah: "Relax Mr. Salvatore, the Martin's are already preparing to switch us back, tonight was a success with Klaus's body in our possession he can't perform the sacrifice which means Elena will be safe."

Elena: "Wait, you're just gonna leave Klaus in Alaric's body...that's not a permanent solution, what about Alaric... the real Alaric?"

Cara/Elijah: "I understand this might not be ideal but -"

Damon: "Sorry, can't hear anything you say when you're speaking through my wife!"

Stefan: "Can you please just switch back, so we can talk about what we do next."

Clara and Elijah were placed next to each other and the Martins performed the spell to return them to their rightful bodies. Elijah awoke first... Clara needed a few extra minutes to come around.

Clara: "What... what's happening, where are we?"

Stefan: "The Martin's"

Clara: "Elijah's warlocks?"

Damon: "Yup, seems your new buddy decided to take drag to a whole new level tonight."

Clara: "what are you talking about... the last thing I remember was waiting for Elijah to arrive in the parking lot, he told me to wait for him there after I confessed my suspicions over Alaric... and then suddenly this large van was there."

Elijah: "I apologize for the theatrics, but you did video me relieving my family's backstory to show to all your little friends, perhaps we should just call it even."

Clara: "How did you know?"

Elijah: "Lucas learned of it from Ms. Bennett... going to try to explain?"

Clara: "Explain what? I gave you my word I wouldn't speak of what you told me and I didn't. Just like you gave your word to Rose she would be pardoned and then decapitated her only companion and friend in life right in front of her. You want more trust you should give more trust... I was only following your example of what it means to give your word to someone."

Elijah looks frustrated to be called out like this in front of everyone and changes the conversation instead of responding to Clara.

Elijah: "As I was saying without his original body Klaus will be unable to perform the sacrifice and Ms. Gilbert will be safe. I understand this leaves Mr. Saltzman trapped but I gave my word to find a more reliable way to spare Ms. Gilbert's life and contrary to what Mrs. Salvatore thinks as long as someone doesn't grossly betray me I do everything in my power to keep my word. So till Elena agrees to tie her life to John's or the Martins think of another way I'm afraid Alaric will be stuck in limbo for a while."

Damon: "Not necessarily... Clara had a different idea."

Elijah: "And that is?"

Clara: "We could tie her life to Isobel's she's a vampire it's very possible she'll come out unscathed and Elena is protected."

Elijah looks to the Martins

Jonas: "She's right, that will work."

Elijah: "Alright, after it's done I'll speak to my brother about returning his body and this can all finally come to an end."

Stefan: "And you still think you're gonna be able to go through with it, killing your own brother?"

Elijah: "It's what's necessary, sometimes there is honor in revenge."

Back at the Boarding House:

Damon and Clara are talking in their room,

Damon: "You sure you're okay?"

Clara: "other than feeling vaguely violated... yeah, I'm okay... I'm better than okay actually, it's starting to seem like we all might make it through this alright."

Damon: "Well if that's the case that puts wedding planning back to the forefront. Plus with your brains, my dashing good looks and Stefan's hero complex we're bound to come out of any confrontation victorious."

Clara giggled.

Clara: "you know, I think you just might be right about that... I love you."

Damon: "I love you too."

Elijah POV:

I had a problem, I wanted to kill my brother and the best way to accomplish that was when he was at his weakest during his transition after he performed the sacrifice. But what reason would he believe for me willingly handing his body back to him so he could carry out his plans?

No I needed him to come to me, for him to think he has won therefore he won't be expecting anyone to fight back against him when the time comes to perform the sacrifice.

Klaus POV:

I was furious, trapped in a pathetic human body... my brother acting all superior and a witch with the power to kill me still walking around. The only thing going for me was Greta... Elijah and his cronies only got Maddox, Greta hadn't arrived in town yet. I could use her for leverage, have her pretend to be a frightened wilting flower and promise to return her safely to her family in exchange for my body. I would love to see the look on their faces when they realize exactly who Greta is. She is not some prisoner I've corrupted or brainwashed... no, she is deliciously devious all on her own and has voluntarily been helping me... it certainly doesn't hurt that I'm incredibly easy on the eyes but there's not much I can do about that.

Boarding House- Damon POV:

Clara was asleep next to me but I could hear my brother moving about downstairs. I disentangled myself from Clara, careful not to wake her... she's been so stressed lately she really deserves some rest.

As I make my way downstairs I see Stefan hitting the booze, which is very unlike him.

Damon: "Something troubling you, brother?"

Stefan: "just this thing with Klaus, it all just seems too easy."

Damon: "easy! What the hell's been easy about any of this?"

Stefan: "I'm just a little underwhelmed... I mean this is the big bad we've been waiting for?"

Damon: "imagination and anticipation have a way of making things more scary than they really are."

Stefan: "I get that but still, this epitome of evil was essentially bested single-handedly by Clara?"

Damon: "I would argue it was more of a team effort but so what? My wife is very impressive."

Stefan: "I know she is it's just-"

Damon: "Stefan, for once ignore your impulse to brood, we're gonna win... Elena will be safe and you two can live a long life together and Speaking of long life's together there's something I've been meaning to ask you... how would you feel about being my best man?"

I could see I caught him off guard with that one but quickly he smiled and embraced me in a hug... I'm gonna take that as a yes.

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