Under Control

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Boarding House, Damon's Bedroom:

Damon and Clara lay together in bed naked and panting trying to catch their breath.

They had been at it all morning, ever since before dawn when they got home from the torture farmhouse. It had gotten pretty out of control, they were vicious almost with each other. They had made love since reuniting and had some fun sex but this was different, it was raw... animalistic.

It was a side Damon had never seen of Clara, frankly, he was surprised his wife had it in her.

"What are you thinking about so hard over there?" Clara asks,

Damon smirks, "Oh just the way my wife attacked me earlier."

"attacked?" Clara gasps indignant that was the word he used.

Damon gives her a serious look, "At one point you bit into my stomach, hard... how would you describe that?"

Clara has to roll her eyes a little, "Alright so the events of last night might have gotten both of us a little carried away."

"Carried away? Face it my darling wife, you would have cut me open and crawled inside me last night if i'd have let you." Damon taunts her.

But Clara isn't so offended with the idea, "Hmm, that doesn't sound so bad actually, should I find a blade?"

Damon laughs and pounces on her securing her arms over her head.

"What am I going to do with you?" he asks, his voice dripping with sexuality and passion,

Clara smiles up at him, "Ravish me, again and again, for the rest of our lives."

Damon smiles and hopes for nothing more for the two of them. But he needed to talk seriously with Clara before he broke any more furniture with her.

"I am sorry... about yesterday. You were right, I let my stupid insecurities get to me and I lashed out, tried to push you away. But I don't want you away, ever. I am just scared I am gonna screw up either not thinking or on purpose and I'll lose you. I can't lose you now that I've had you again. I wouldn't survive that."

Clara still restrained couldn't stroke Damon's cheek like how she wished to comfort him but carried on anyway.

"I don't want to have to keep proving myself to you, or my love. You should know those to be the surest things by now. But if I have to I will... It will just lead to a very irritable wife and a lot less sex but if that is what you require I will always pass any test you give me, I just wish you didn't feel the need to try our love so. It makes me fear you are not sure of it. You have been with many other women since thinking me deceased... are you sure this isn't a ploy to run away from me and into someone else's arms?"

Damon growled at that, "Never!" He was furious she could even think of something so blasphemous.

"That anger, that feeling of frustration and complete incomprehension of something so against what you know in your bones to be true. That disappointment and hurt that I could think so low of you... that's what you did to me earlier. You think I don't have a hundred questions about all the women who came after me? That I don't want to hunt them down and wipe them from the earth? I chose not to because my faith in you is stronger than any petty insecurities niggling at the back of my head."

Damon sighs, "I understand. I am sorry, I actually thought of a way to make it up to you,"

"Really, how?" Clara asks eagerly.

"Nuh-uh," Damon shakes his head, "Its a surprise... it'll take some time I'll have to make it myself, but trust me it will be worth it."

"I love surprises, I am bursting with excitement now!"

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