Game On

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Elena, Stefan, Damon, and Clara are in a classroom talking about Caroline.

"How did this happen?" Clara asks trying to figure out how Caroline went from nearly dying in the hospital to walking around a vampire.

"Bonnie asked me to fed her my blood, we thought she'd be safe at the hospital but obviously Katherine got to her," Stefan explains.

"But why?" Elena asks,

Clara clenches her fists and pushes off the wall, "because Katherine is a manipulative, nasty, little slut."

Damon smirks, "look at you using your 21st century vocab words I gave you." Clara smiled, flattered at the praise but Elena just rolls her eyes.

Stefan is pensive, "she said game on? What does that even mean?"

"It means she's playing dirty. She wants us to know," Damon tells him.

"But why Caroline?" Elena complained, trying to get the focus back on her friend.

"I don't know," Damon shrugged not really caring.

"Poor Caroline," Clara muttered making Damon scoff, "Oh please,"

Stefan shakes his head, "no, she's right, Caroline must be completely out of her mind, she doesn't even know what's happening to her... We have to find her."

"Yep, and kill her," Damon finishes,

Clara is shocked, "what? WHY?" She had seen Damon kill but hearing him talk so casually about a young girl's life was somehow more troubling to Clara, it was callous.... she didn't like it.

"You're not gonna kill Caroline!" Elena threatens.

Damon rolls his eyes, "she knows who we are. She's officially a liability, and we've got to get rid of her."

Stefan shakes his head, "Damon, absolutely not."

"Need I remind you of a tragic little story of a girl named Vicki Donovan? Caroline, of all people, will not make it as a vampire. Her mother is a vampire hunter. Guys come on, we all know how this story's gonna end, just flip to the last chapter and..."

"It's not an option Damon," Elena tells him.

"No? Your silence is deafening, Stefan. Wait, wasn't there a school carnival the night you staked Vicki? I never had a town where history doesn't repeat itself. You know I'm right."

"We're not gonna kill her," Stefan says leaving the classroom with Elena following behind him.

"She's Liz's daughter, Damon." Clara tries to appeal to any part of the Damon she knew that might still be in there.

Clara catches up to Stefan and Elena to look for Caroline and leaves Damon to do some thinking hopefully.

Elsewhere, Matt is talking with Bonnie.

"She's obviously pissed at me for something but for what, no clue."

"What happened?" Bonnie asks,

"She freaked out and she's been like that all day. Cool one minute and crazy and neurotic the next."

"She almost died, it's bound to mess with her head. Plus, she's Caroline."

"Yeah, I'm used to the insecurities and all that. It's who she is, love it or hate it, but this seemed...I don't know...different...more. I can't explain it."


Damon is looking for Caroline. He notices a wooden tent peg in the ground. He walks over and takes it.

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