Ding Dong

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A/N: hold on folks it's a long one

Clara and Damon had spent the whole day in bed together celebrating the end of their tiff. They were currently brainstorming their new secret codeword...

"Kalamazoo?"Clara suggested.

Damon thought for a second, "Hmm no, Cunnilingus?"

Clara shook her head, "no. Apricots?"

"no, pompoir?" Damon pitched.

"do all your suggestions have to be sexual?" Clara asked.

"yes." Damon said as if it was obvious.

Stefan knocked on their door before poking his head in,

"Sorry, but everyone's here... you know the Kill Katherine meeting, we're just waiting on you."

Clara nodded getting up, "We'll be right down Stef."

Stefan closes the door and heads downstairs.

"To be continued," Clara tells him as she heads to the bathroom.

Damon pouts, "But I just thought of the perfect codeword...Clara?... hey Clara? ...It was monkey-Slut btw... that means by the way fyi... fyi means-"

Damon's rambling is cut off when Clara emerges from the bathroom refreshed and changed,

"I know what FYI means, you're not my only 21st-century tutor anymore."

Damon rolls his eyes, "right, Caroline." he grumbles still not loving this new friendship between the teen blonde and his wife.

"Come on hurry up." She says moving towards the door.

"Yeah yeah I'll meet you down there," Damon says

As Clara moved downstairs she could hear Stefan and Elena argue,

"she burned my house down! If anyone is killing her, it's going to be me!"

"I'm sorry but your human... we only have one shot... it's too risky." Stefan countered.

"it's not like I'll be on my own against her you and Damon will be there to help." Elena said not backing down,

"and me..." Clara says joining their pow wow, "but if anyone is ending that bitch tonight, I'll be the one."

Damon comes down joining everyone,

"you're all wrong, the honor of killing the wicked witch will be mine."

Stefan rolls his eyes, "before we decide on who delivers the fatal blow we need a plan that'll work."

The bell rings and Bonnie arrives.

"I'm here, why did Caroline call me over?" She asks.

Clara looks around, "wait, where is Caroline,"

Caroline appears from the basement drinking a blood bag, "I'm here, just getting my strength up."

Bonnie looks to Stefan and Elena, "someone want to tell me what's going on?"

Caroline explains that Katherine is demanding the moonstone back at the Masquerade ball tonight or the town will be torn apart until it "rains blood."

Stefan explains, "She wants to do it in public. 'Killing' Mason threw her off guard."

Damon agrees, "She's running scared. What she did to Elena was desperate. She's out of tricks."

"We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her." Stefan adds.

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