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The Tomb:

Stefan's gear only managed to protect his upper torso and head from getting an iron spike rammed through but his lower abdomen and upper thigh weren't so lucky.

Outside Damon was debating if he should go in after his idiot brother when his phone rang. He pulled up his text messages and saw Rose needed his help, apparently Elena tricked her into some suicide mission.

"Why is Rose texting you?" Clara asked from behind Damon, seeing her name on his phone.

"It's Elena. Stay here with Stefan, I'll go take care of it."

"No, you stay here with your bother." Clara grabs the phone out of Damon's hand "I'm gonna take care of this."

At Slater's:

Elena is gazing out a window. Suddenly, she sees Elijah's reflection walking towards her in the window. Elena gasps and turns around. She sees no one else in the room with her. Confused, she turns back and looks at the window and back into the room again.

Elena walks into the main room, sipping on a glass of water trying to calm her nerves from earlier. She looks over at Alice, then turns around and gasps because Clara has snuck up from behind her.

"What are you doing here?"

Clara narrows her eyes at Elena, "think perhaps you stole my question?"

Rose enters the room. Elena turns around and looks at her angrily.

"You called her?"

Rose looks confused "No I texted Damon..."

"Yeah about that," Clara suddenly has a gun pointed at Rose and shoots her full of vervain causing her to collapse.

"What was that for?" Elena exclaims shocked by Clara's actions.

"For trying too hard and being too damn eager to try and bond with my husband, it was annoying me. Now, are you going to come with me like a good girl or foolishly annoy me into reloading this thing with tranquilizers?"

Elena gulps afraid of this side of Clara but still is determined to stand her ground.

Alice walks into the room,

"Who are you, are you a vampire? OMG, what happened to Rose?"

Clara rolls her eyes takes some tranq pellets out of her back pocket and quickly loads them before shooting Alice.

"Can you please stop doing that?" Elena asks her angrily,

"Would you rather I got rid of her by snapping her neck?" Elena doesn't have anything to say to that. "Come on. We're leaving."


Clara steps towards her, "I said we're leaving!"

"I'm not going with you!"

Clara points the gun at Elena, "you do not get to make decisions anymore."

"When have I ever made a decision? You and Stefan and Damon do that for me! Now this, this is my decision."

Clara shakes her head, "who's gonna save your life while you're out making decisions?"

"You're not listening to me, Clara. I don't want to be saved. Not if it means that Klaus is gonna kill every single person that I love."

"No, YOU are going to kill every single person you love if you continue to martyr yourself."

"What are you talking about?"

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