Future: part I

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:: this chapter will contain sexual content, briefly mentioned but fair warning ::

Esmeralda woke to the sunlight slipping in through the window. she laid in bed for a moment before sitting up and fixing her hair into a loose ponytail. she winced as she touched the bruise on her head, a small bump formed there.

slowly but surely she pulled herself out of bed and walked downstairs. she heard the soft murmur of conversation and walked into the living room. Aspen stopped speaking the second he heard her, looking up at her.

"hey," Sebastian stood up, going towards her. "you hungry?" he asked, touching her side gently.

"a little." she smiled, looking up at him. "what's going on?" she looked around him curiously, Aspen looked towards the ground and Rose was nowhere to be seen.

"nothing, why don't you sit down, ill make you something." he didn't meet her eyes, making her frown even more.

"Sebastian-" she started before he cut her off.

"please baby, just trust me." he looked into her warm eyes, touching the side of her face gently.

her cheeks slightly flushed at the term of endearment, nodding. "okay okay." she leaned up and kissed his cheek before moving around to sit on the couch.

"i'll be right back with food, unless you want to come?" she shook her head, not having the energy to go anywhere right now. "i'll be back soon." he kissed the top of her head and walked out, grabbing his keys.

Aspen looked around, his hands stuffed into his pockets awkwardly. "do you- i mean- do you need anything?" he shifted on his feet.

"i'm fine Aspen, thank you." she noticed he didn't move from where he stood, "you don't have to stay, i'll be okay here."

Aspen nodded, the blond looked around before looking down at her. "i will be around, shout if you need me, okay?"

she nodded before watching him walk out of the room. she sat for a few moments before standing to go explore the house. it wasn't to large but it was pretty big, she wondered how Aspen could buy it, did demons have jobs?

she decided to ask Sebastian later about that. she got bored quickly, most of the house was empty, no personal items. she was like them, like her life was not her own. everything felt like someone was controlling her, she wasn't sure of anything or anyone.

she let her mind wander as she walked out the back door to the small backyard, a few plants around the ground, she wondered again who planted them. her question was answered as Aspen came out of a shed with dirt on his hands. "everything okay?" he asked, his blue eyes scanning over her. he wiped his hands on his jeans.

"yeah, you garden?" she asked, she wouldn't expect it from Aspen. he seemed cold, sarcastic, and so not the type to garden.

the blond nodded, "it helps," he got a distant look in his eyes, as if remembering something. "create life instead of destroying it." he spoke softly, shaking his head.

"can i help?" she needed to busy herself before she went insane.

Aspen shuffled before nodding again, "sure, i'm just getting the weeds out of the garden." he showed her what weeds they needed to pull out and then they worked in silence.

Aspen seemed guarded, all of them did, but they had different ways about it. Aspen acted like he didn't care, Rose pretended to be braver, and Sebastian ran.

"what was Sebastian like?" she asked, "before."

the blue eyed boy looked around, "well we didn't know each other before Elijah brought us together, so i'm not sure. i remember he was quiet, never spoke during it. but he stepped up right after, like a leader. he always put himself aside to watch out for us. he's always been stubborn, as long as i've known him." it was the most she had ever heard him speak, it was clear he admired Sebastian. "i use to wonder how he could be so calm about everything, i've only ever seen him upset twice." he looked up, meeting her eyes. "when you were hurt, both times was because of you."

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