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"we have to speak to Esmeralda Fabre." the small brunette peeked around the corner to see a tall man in a police uniform. "there's been an accident."

accident they called it, like someone ran them off the road, like they left the stove on, not like mother nature targeted her and destroyed her home along with her parents.

she turned into the nearest store, going to the bathroom as she hovered over the sink. she threw her cup away, unable to stand the smell of the coffee. she turned on the cold water, splashing her face. the mascara on her eyelashes slightly smudged when she rubbed her face.

his eyes weren't kind but filled with pity as he bent down to look at the small girl. her small fingers wrapped around the hem of her friend's mom shirt. "you want to ride in a cool car tonight?" he asked softly, the shy girl eyed his police car behind him before nodding slowly.

"but mommy says i can't go in strangers car." she whispered.

the policeman looked up at the mother before looking back down at the tiny girl with innocent eyes. "your mom told me to tell you it was okay, we just have some people that want to talk to you."

"will my mommy and daddy be there? i want to see them." she stubbornly argued, not yet ready to go in the strangers car.

"come on Esmeralda, let's go." he said, his voice low as if not to scare her. "it'll be okay."

'it'll be okay.'

she looked up at her reflection, breathing heavily. she could feel her chest tighten again, shutting her eyes she grabbed her bag and went to a stall. she leaned against the door, trying to ground herself. but it wasn't long before bile reached her throat, she threw the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

she whimpered softly at the burning taste in her mouth. her head was spinning making it harder to keep from getting sick even if she had nothing left in her stomach.

they left after a while when she wouldn't speak, her short legs dangling off the edge of the chair because she couldn't reach the floor yet. her chocolate eyes resting on the floor tiles. she felt something in her chest, like something hit her there.

she began counting the tiles of the floor like she would if she got bored. she pretending that her parents were sitting next to her, listening to her struggle to count higher and higher.

she couldn't count anymore when her eyes became blurry, her hand instinctively reaching out for her mommy or daddy. her lip jutted out as it wobbled. she felt someone touch her knee, a warm flowery scent floating around her. "it'll be okay." the woman whispered, letting the girl wrapped her thin arms around her.

"my mommy and daddy aren't here anymore." she cried, her small tears leaving a stain on the woman's shirt. she cried until she wore out herself and fell asleep.

she felt someone pull her hair out of her face, a warm flowery scent surrounding her. it felt safe somehow. she flushed the toilet, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. she opened her eyes and looked back at the smiling female.

"there there, it'll be okay." she sat next to Esmeralda, holding the girl in her arms as she lightly shook. letting herself break down in this strangers arm, but strangely enough the woman didn't feel like a stranger.

like somehow she knew her.

Esmeralda sat on her new bed, instantly disliking the bright purple color, she always loved blues, grays, and colors that reminded her of storms. now she couldn't stand the thought of a storm, when the thunder came that night she went to the closet and cried until she fell asleep.

she pulled away slowly, looking at the thin sharp looking woman but something in her eyes were kind and motherly.

"it's terrible, i don't know what to do though. she just locks herself away and cries. but she won't let us help her." the foster mom said, talking to someone on the phone. "i wonder if she should go somewhere else, where the storms aren't like this there."

"do i know you?" she asked in a shaky tone, careful not the breathe too heavily because it wouldn't smell nice.

"not really." the woman smiled softly, touching her cheek lightly. "just trying to help you." she pulled out a small plastic card, "go to this place, they make wonderful sandwiches."

the woman stood, offering her one smile before turning and leaving. she didn't once give her the pity look, instead just let her cry on her shoulder. the brunette looked down at the think flimsy coupon before slowly standing. she went to the sink and wiped off her mascara before fixing her hair, walking out a little more lighter.

she didn't know why but something told her to listen to the woman, even if she wasn't hungry. her mind tumbled around, trying to figure out where she knew she smell the woman had from. she felt so familiar yet not. like she had known her once but lost contact.

she pulled her phone out, entering the name of the place and turning on her gps. she got into her car, driving the short distance there. she sat in her car for a little, searching for a mint or something. she settled on strawberry gum in her bag, looking at the people who entered and left the building.

she wasn't quite ready to get out of her car yet, fixing her hair again even if it was fine the first time. she grabbed her bag again, getting of her car before locking it and walking up the few steps to the front door.

she was greeted by a light scent of a cleanness and vegetables. her dark eyes looking around as she took in the entire menu before glancing around. her eyes flickered over a boy before jerking back in surprised.

there he sat, his head shoved in a book with a drink in front of him. he looked up as if feeling eyes on him, meeting her gaze. surprise flickered over his facial features, watching her take him in with the light.

he was even more attractive now, maybe mostly because of the book.

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