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she hummed lightly, a bright smile on her face, her hips slightly swaying along to the soft music playing. she could feel his eyes on her so she looked up, away from the lunch she was making, meeting his eyes. "what?" she flushed, her cheeks turning a warm tone.

"nothing." he whispered, leaning against the counter, how someone could look so beautiful while so casual was beyond her. "i want to take you on a real date."

she raised her eyebrows, turning back to their lunch she was making. though his arms soon wrapped around her, his chin resting on her head. "a real date?" she asked, "i figured we were beyond that."

"but you should have it, i'll come pick you up at seven, take you to a nice dinner, drive around town, and maybe even give you a kiss goodnight when i drop you off." he pressed his lips to her neck, making her giggle softly.

"we aren't seventeen Bash, you don't have to do that."

"i want to, unless you really don't want to?" he asked softly, trailing his lips across her neck to her jaw.

she tilted her head black, her eyes fluttering shut. "oh, no it's just fine." she murmured, leaning against him as his lips moved over her soft skin.

"oh?" he asked softly, she could feel the smirk on his lips. those soft lips that distracted her way to easily. "we can get all dressed up," his voice got lower, his lips hovering over her ear. "and i'll take it all off if you let me." his voice was raspy, making her catch her breath.

"if you want?" he chuckled, suddenly moving away and leaning against the counter. she gripped the counter, inhaling deeply.

"yeah," she cleared her throat, "a real date." she wiped her palms on her shorts, finishing their sandwiches.

she turned and handed him his sandwich, leaning against the opposite counter, smiling to herself. they ate in silence, staring at each other.

Sebastian slowly moved closer until he towered over her, his hands landing on the counter, caging her in. he leaned down, resting his lips on hers. she moved up, meeting him halfway.

"i should go, let you get ready." he mumbled, but his hands moved around her, picking her up onto the counter.

"a few more moments." she whispered, trailing her hands down his chest, slipping her hands up his shirt. her fingers travelled across his torso, feeling the muscles across her fingers. she felt the metal from the piercings on his nipples, shivering lightly. "did it hurt?" she asked softly.

"not much, not for long." he chuckled, pulling back a little. "i should go now, Esmeralda." he kissed her forehead, "seven?"

"seven." she smiled, pecking his lips before he left her apartment, making it feel more cold than before. but a wide smile broke out on her face as she jumped off the counter, going to her room to decide what she wanted to wear.


Esmeralda was never the kind of girl that wore showy things, she always preferred comfort over showy. she put on a loose fitting white dress that went to her mid-thigh, it was a simple dress that dipped low in the back and had thin straps.

she paired it with simple silver jewelry and a pair of dark heels. she left her hair down in its natural dark waves. she put on light makeup, glancing at herself in the mirror to make sure she looked alright.

she heard a soft knock on her door, causing her stomach to flutter as she slowly moved towards it. she picked up the small clutch on the couch, brushing her hair back and opened the door with a wide smile.

however it was replaced with a confused look at the man standing before her. he was tall, his hair mostly gray yet he still somehow looked alert, his eyes were a dark set of green looking her over. "isn't this a greeting." he said with a gravelly voice, chuckling.

"i'm sorry to bother you ma'am, you obviously seem to be expecting someone?" he asked, but it seemed like he already knew something. his eyes were knowing, and he acted as if he knew her somehow.

"i was just wondering if you had a cellphone i could borrow, the neighbors weren't answering, i'm so lucky you answered. my car broke down on this street, i've been looking for someone, but it appears i'm at the wrong place." he looked around, something in her stomach made her want to slam the door in face but she didn't.

instead she pulled a caring smile onto her face, "sure, come in, ill grab my phone." she turned, ignoring the feeling in her stomach.

"bless you, you're so kind." she heard him say. "if i may ask, who's the lucky man, or woman?"

"man." she answered, "he's just a man." she looked in her clutch, frowning as she was unable to find her phone. she looked around her kitchen, trying to remember where she left it.

"he's a lucky fellow, to have such a kind beautiful woman." he said, her back still to the door where he was. "where are my manners?" he laughed, "i never introduced myself," he suddenly went silent.

Esmeralda paused, slowly standing, waiting for him to speak. she turned, a hand wrapping around her mouth, another grabbing her wrists. "i'm Elijah." he grinned, moving his hand to grab her jaw and slam her head against the wall.

the blunt hit caused her to fall unconscious, he easily swept her up. "such a shame, none of them listened to me. humans are weak, they are so easily broken." he laid her on the couch. "consider this your warning, Sebastian." he whispered. he tucked her hair behind her ear, "next time, i will kill her."

he turned, walking out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. leaving the human girl alone on the couch, the blood from her wound staining the pure white dress. "humans." he sneered.


who else wants to kill Elijah? raise of hands?

i had such writers block ugh, but i'm writing a bit now.

poor Esmeralda, she was so excited ;-;

who's ready to see if Sebastian will kill Elijah! -raises both hands-

question of the chapter: do you ship Esmeralda and Sebastian?

hope you enjoyed!

have a great day/night

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