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They stood together, glancing around the large room, dark mats covered the floor, punching bags, and a small arena in the middle of it all. "Here you will train, your strength is already better than humans but you must learn control."

"imperium ac clade - control and defeat." He spoke, Elijah moved in front of them, his hands behind his back. "today you will be pushed harder than any human could withstand, but tomorrow you will learn that you are better."

with that they began their training; running, fighting, and building their strengths up.

this continued for a month, they would wake up before the sun and begin their runs, fighting dummies, and pushing themselves that were impossible to most. it was aware to all of them that Elijah was harder on Rose, both males had taken the roles as protective brothers.

it wasn't until on day she slipped up, falling down from one of the obstacles Elijah set up.

"get up." his harsh tone hit Sebastian's ears, making him stop his run and turn to the two. "i said get up!" his voice gradually grew in anger.

Rose bit her lip, tears forming in her eyes but she angrily bit them back, she never wanted him to see the pain he caused her. she wasn't weaker because she was a female but because her body was slightly smaller and Elijah made hers harder.

"are you giving up? are you that pathetic?" his words made the other males start towards him, anger coursing through the room. "this is how you thank me? i made you powerful and you show your thanks by disgracing us?"

"that's enough Elijah." Sebastian spoke, glaring heavily at the older man.

"silence!" Elijah threw his hand out, causing Sebastian to stumble back, trying to get air back into his lungs.

"get up and do it again." Rose slowly stood, her hands slightly shaking.

"no." she spoke quietly, her voice softly wavering.

Elijah took a step forward, "be careful" he warned, making her face harden as she looked at him.

"i'm leaving, i didn't ask for any of this." she looked at both of the boys, "let's go," she turned to Elijah, "and you want to know what i say to your gift?" Sebastian and Aspen slowly moved forward, pride in their faces. "you can take it and shove it so far up your-"

she stopped as Elijah grabbed her face, making her crumbled to her knees. both younger boys ran towards them before they were sent to the ground as well, the air knocked out of them.

Rose's lips were parted in a silent scream, tears flowing down her cheeks as he stole the air from her lungs. his eyes turning clear as glass as he stared down at her.

she hit his hand, causing him to let go. "do not defy me Rose." he whispered so quietly Sebastian barely heard him.

her gasps and coughs for air filled the room before the slam of the door behind Elijah echoed. when he left her body shook with sobs, no longer hiding her cries.

Sebastian and Aspen recovered quicker because they were not physically touched by his abilities, reaching her and holding the shaking girl.

The Storm Between Us  (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now