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Esmeralda stood six feet away from the man, holding a pan in her hands. if rapnunzel could do it why couldn't she? she slowly moved forward after several minutes, peering at him.

what if he was dead? what was she suppose to do? she slowly crouched to his level, lightly pushing his shoulder with her pan. a low groan left his lips, causing her to scramble back, her dark locks covering her frightened expression. she slightly shook her head to move them out the way.

the male twitched slightly, a barely audible curse leaving his lips. she moved forward slowly, crawling towards him. he slowly moved, as if trying to wake up.

she was in front of his body, nearly sitting in front of his head. as he lifted his head, his eyes slightly open a flash of lightening crossed the thundering skies. his own eyes held a dark storm in them, the gray eyes staring into hers. it took a moment for the surprised to appear in his eyes before he suddenly lurched up.

this caused a shriek to leave Esmeralda's small mouth as she jerked away, standing up. holding the pan out in front of her as if she could hurt the mountain of a man with the small metal. he winced at her loud shriek, before eyeing her 'weapon'.

"why the hell are you in my apartment?" he asked in confused, slowly standing as he held his head with one hand.

the brunette gave him a questioning look, "This is my apartment." she corrected, "what are you doing in mine?" she retorted, standing a distance away from him.

when he stood his largeness seemed to increase. he had broad shoulder, a tall frame, and a muscles that made it seem like he could break her with one strand of his hair. his stormy eyes looked around, giving her the chance to give him a real look.

ink wrapped around his body, the visible parts at least before disappearing under his shirt. the shirt clung to his body, being soaking wet. if he didn't terrify her, Esmeralda might truthfully enjoy the sight. his midnight black hair sat down across his forehead, the wetness pressing it there. because of the limited light she could barely make out the bruises on his cheekbones and busted lip.

when she looked up at his eyes they were back on her, as if he was looking her over as well. "I must've entered the wrong one." he said slowly as if she didn't already see that. he didn't apologize, not even with his body language. in fact he acted like this happened often.

"well go back to your own." she put her hand on her hip as if that obvious.

"in this storm?" he asked, looking as if she was mad. "are you crazy?"

he looked out of the window, "I'm not even at the right complex." he said but it seemed to himself. "I could've swore this was it." he mumbled.

Esmeralda wasn't sure what to say, she may have been nice but she wasn't ready to give some stranger a seat in her apartment. "well go somewhere." she insisted, watching him look over her shoulder at him.

he pulled at his wet shirt, grabbing the hem and yanking it off. the scene caused the girl the shut her eyes, flushing. she wasn't innocent by any means but it still seemed like an intrusion to look.

a soft chuckle hit her ears, "the storm won't go on to long," he said. "the second it let ups i'll be off, trust me i have plans waiting for me." she slowly opened her eyes to see his grin, causing her to shake her head in disgust.

"i would prefer not to know and you must be new here. that storm won't be over any time soon."

"how do you know? are you some meteorologist?" he shot at her.

"no, i've lived here my entire life, and with those skies you'll be here until tomorrow most likely." she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"do you at least have somewhere i can dry off?" he asked.

Esmeralda looked at him with wide eyes, "wait i never said you could stay," she said quickly, "you're not staying." she corrected firmly.

the male looked at her strangely, "Where am i suppose to go then darling?" he questioned, not given any answer he smirked slightly. he slowly moved farther in her apartment until he felt a cool metal on his chest. he looked down to see the pan on his skin, following a short arm to her face.

"Can i help you rapnunzel?" he asked, causing her to glare slightly.

"stay over by the door, i'll bring you a towel." she said, slightly pushing him back with her pan. he held his hands up, moving back to the door. when lightening lit up the room she could see a flash of bruises across his torso.

she swallowed hard, who did she let into her apartment? she turned, walking towards her bathroom. it wasn't as quick as she thought, somehow she forgot where the towels were. she didn't need many, so the three she had were suddenly gone.

she finally felt the material of her towel, she backed away from the shower, her back hitting damp flesh. the scream on her lips was cut off when a hand covered it. "last thing i need is some neighbor thinking you're getting murder." he mumbled, his warm breath hitting the top of her head. she felt the towel leave her hands before his presence left the room.

Esmeralda stood still for a moment, trying to regain control of her racing heart. her eyes squeezed shut at the sound of thunder rumbling across skies. her fingers flexed out before curling into fist.

she bit her lip and turned to distract herself, looking for her flashlights. instead she found some old candles, ones she was given as a gift and never used. she walked out of the bathroom, going to her living room where the male was wiping her floor, drying his mess.

she nodded slightly, hopefully this wouldn't be too bad. a few hours in her apartment with a stranger, couldn't be too terrible maybe.

"need a lighter?" he asked, pulling one out of his pocket. maybe.

The Storm Between Us  (REWRITING)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant